sarms + anavar?


New member
Has anyone tried to run osta plus anavar? Or maybe osta plus Winstrol (winny)? Im a total newbie to this but definitely pinning is out of the question for im an oral only kinda guy. anyone have experience with this?
I wouldn't personally run a SARM with a suppressive compound like winny/anavar, but that's just me. I think you're on the right track looking into SARMS given your lifestyle conditions, but you really don't want to drop your natural testosterone in my opinion by running an oral-only AAS cycle on top of a SARM.

My .02c :)
I wouldn't personally run a SARM with a suppressive compound like winny/anavar, but that's just me. I think you're on the right track looking into SARMS given your lifestyle conditions, but you really don't want to drop your natural testosterone in my opinion by running an oral-only AAS cycle on top of a SARM.

My .02c :)

from what ive been reading about seems that some believe that they can also shut u down. If this is correct then would it be a good option?
what I mean is that most ppl now believe that sarms will shut u down and recommend a pct after the cycle. so if ur gonna run a pct anyway...y not add and oral steroid? im def not the most knowledgeable abt just asking for some differing opinions...