Sarms healing joint problems?

I'm going to try something new; I going to do a HAVOC run using osta to keep my joints going, then tossing in some GW501516 to up my endurance. I won't be doing this till January as I want to have all my ducks in a row and it's well within my medical leave window.

Haven't work out my lifting sched. yet either, or if I'm going to continue osta as a bridge into post cycle therapy (pct) at a lower dose yet.
Osta stays away from adding additives for the taste because that pushes the human consumption loop hole and we do not want to chance so blatantly that research law.
Rui's S4 is probably the best tasting. Couldn't figure out why everyone was freaking over the taste.. then I tried SS's osta.. wow. The min. I tired it , all I could think about was ' Up in Smoke ' when Chong says to Cheech " Kinda gets you by the boo boo don't it.."
Nice! I can't wait to see how your journal report turns out Hull.
I'm going to try something new; I going to do a HAVOC run using osta to keep my joints going, then tossing in some GW501516 to up my endurance. I won't be doing this till January as I want to have all my ducks in a row and it's well within my medical leave window.

Haven't work out my lifting sched. yet either, or if I'm going to continue osta as a bridge into PCT at a lower dose yet.