Sarms Search GW and Osta Log

Those are some impressive numbers with your deads bro, good call with taking it easy on that second rep and not over doing it. Perfect example of listening to your body, injury would suck with these gains coming in. How do you like the OSTA I am sold on the sarms and want to put it in with PCT , if you can check out my last post and it's a lil. more detailed. LMAO I feel like I will be running your exact cycle almost. KEEP THEM GAINZ COMIN BRO!
Those are some impressive numbers with your deads bro, good call with taking it easy on that second rep and not over doing it. Perfect example of listening to your body, injury would suck with these gains coming in. How do you like the OSTA I am sold on the sarms and want to put it in with PCT , if you can check out my last post and it's a lil. more detailed. LMAO I feel like I will be running your exact cycle almost. KEEP THEM GAINZ COMIN BRO!

Sarms are awesome. Very underrated. Glad you're giving in! :)
Push Day:

BB Flat:

DB Shoulder Press:

Felt weak but moved decent weights
Those are some impressive numbers with your deads bro, good call with taking it easy on that second rep and not over doing it. Perfect example of listening to your body, injury would suck with these gains coming in. How do you like the OSTA I am sold on the sarms and want to put it in with PCT , if you can check out my last post and it's a lil. more detailed. LMAO I feel like I will be running your exact cycle almost. KEEP THEM GAINZ COMIN BRO!

I commented, Im sold on Osta in PCT, Im using GW as well but I feel awesome. I mean considering I ran a 6 week cycle of hella, and now still making gains and holding weight I am very very pleased. I realize it comes off as biased saying to try Sarms Search, but I was very unpleased with my last purchase from another company, The comparison in every aspect would sell you on SS.
Awesome I will most likely go with SS if that's the case then , any sales coming up or code to help with the price. Also, not trying to jump the thread just confident these products work with the results you've made and can't beat experience...thanks again for the help.
Sorry for lack of updates. Been swamped with work. pct from hella is over, still forcing myself into gym after 12-15hr days. Having trouble increasing weight training legs, I'm on my feet all day. Still dropping 315x6 benching, back worked up to 545 today and was going to attempt 585. Instead dropped back to 405 for 10-12 before my grip starting failing. I did deads last todau Usually they're first
6 or so weeks post hella I hit a PR using Sarms. Finally dead lift 6 plates! Felt so good. Probably had some more weight in me but my body feels torn up now.

Did cardio for the first time in months, sweat like a pig but it was no problem. Def. Have to give GW props for that!

Come.spring I'll be running Sarms in the attempt to shresd up. I have already learned its awesome for keeping strength and gains while bulking
Can't wait to see how it shines shedding fat
Liking this log my friend. I can't get enough of sarms. I'm finally gonna start lifting again Monday since recovering from my knee surgery. Can't wait to see what the MK does for recovery!
Liking this log my friend. I can't get enough of sarms. I'm finally gonna start lifting again Monday since recovering from my knee surgery. Can't wait to see what the MK does for recovery!

Im excited for you, youll be right back on track in no time.
Backs feeling much better, took it easy doing legs, hit deads for 135 and 225, did cable work for back since last week just to work some blood in the area, its feeling good now.

Im going to take today completely off as I may need it. I am also almost out of SARMS, cant be much left. has been a great ride thus far
Good call with the rest and light weight don't want to overdo it. I had the same problem today with back so decided to go light even though it was hard as hell , it was def. the right decision. So all in all the SARMS was a good choice ? How much weight did you keep from cycle / after pct?
Glad you were smart and decided to take it easy my friend! Sometimes that's just what we have to do. Your body will definitely thank you.

Plus taking time off from the gym isn't such a bad thing. I've taken a week off before and when I go back I'm stronger than ever. Gives your muscles rest you didn't know they needed
Good call with the rest and light weight don't want to overdo it. I had the same problem today with back so decided to go light even though it was hard as hell , it was def. the right decision. So all in all the SARMS was a good choice ? How much weight did you keep from cycle / after pct?

Lost 1lb in 6 weeks, kept everything else. Still moving the same weights as before, I loved it. I am officially done SARMS as of yesterday, had one of the best chest/tri/shoulder days ive had in a while to finish it up, threw up 315x6 and 365x2 flat BB and repped the 90's shoulder press, felt awesome. I will most defintely be using SARMS from now on both stacked and solo. I had a great feeling of well being while on them.

Side not, did light deads today worked up to 315 and started feeling slight discomfort after 6 so I stopped and continued with lower back extensions and cable work. Feels good right now.