SARMS vs Peptides


New member
Hello so my mouse Gilbert is starting his Sarms this week, but I am curious if Peptides are a better choice to try and get him to bulk up?

Right now he is the smallest on in the cage and always gets kicked off the water dripper, so i I am just curious if you think one is better than the other?

Hello so my mouse Gilbert is starting his Sarms this week, but I am curious if Peptides are a better choice to try and get him to bulk up?

Right now he is the smallest on in the cage and always gets kicked off the water dripper, so i I am just curious if you think one is better than the other?


Good question... Is the little fella afraid of a pin? Maybe a little osta-gain max in the water bowl will do..
Hello so my mouse Gilbert is starting his Sarms this week, but I am curious if Peptides are a better choice to try and get him to bulk up?

Right now he is the smallest on in the cage and always gets kicked off the water dripper, so i I am just curious if you think one is better than the other?


Good question... Is the little fella afraid of a pin? Maybe a little osta-gain max in the water bowl will do..
A combination of the sarms and peps might even be better for the rodent!

Osta-gain max + IGF DES = happy rodent
Ok great. I am just not sure if one is better than the other, or if stacking them is best. So if Gilbert could gain a solid 5lbs with sarms alone in theory, then by adding igf will maybe double this bulk amount?

I just dont want to make him fat, because when mating season comes here in a few months I want to be able to shave him and him to have abs not a cheese ball belly.
Honestly bro it's prolly best to stay away from the scale. Watch the mirror closer. And the fatness is gonna be all about your diet. IGF does help keep bf a little lower though.