

New member
Well Ive been reading on Sarms for about 14 hours now. I've read threads saying They are good to build muscle and also maintain almost all of it with a mini pct. But how anabolic are they really( in terms of muscle Building) i know there not as good as the real deal(for muscle building) but how much can you gain(considering the diet is good,sleep is good and workout is intensive) from a 8 week S-4 and Osta? and how much stronger can you get?

I'm going to run it regardless but i fell running something for 8 weeks weakens the effect. i would prefer something like 6 weeks at doses of 60mgs of S-4 and 25mgs of Osta

And if an 8 week cycle of this would be better(in muscle gains) please post
I wouldn't run (Osta) longer than 6 weeks at 25mg/day (Honestly I wouldn't run S-4 at all). Anything higher and/or longer than that is going to be suppressive to the point where a SERM should be used for pct. Idky people use S-4 at all due to the side effects and the largest degree of suppression of any SARM. Osta (Mk-2866) is better for gaining mass, Gw-501561 is better for losing fat, and stacking the 2 would work well for a recomp.

Regardless of the hype I would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM on hand. Gains should come faster than they would naturally depending on diet, training, rest, etc but they are not going to be "gear like". These products do work (backed by clinical trials) and if you're smart you can absolutely make some admirable gains. sorry for being vague but no one can tell you how much you should or shouldn't progress. I mean what is your diet going to look like? what is your training regimen? are you a "hardgainer"? without any anabolic sups (peptides, steroids, PH/DS, SARMs) how much do you normally gain on a 6-week bulk?
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I wouldn't run (Osta) longer than 6 weeks at 25mg/day (Honestly I wouldn't run S-4 at all). Anything higher and/or longer than that is going to be suppressive to the point where a SERM should be used for pct. Idky people use S-4 at all due to the side effects and the largest degree of suppression of any SARM. Osta (Mk-2866) is better for gaining mass, Gw-501561 is better for losing fat, and stacking the 2 would work well for a recomp.

Regardless of the hype I would have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and SERM on hand. Gains should come faster than they would naturally depending on diet, training, rest, etc but they are not going to be "gear like". These products do work (backed by clinical trials) and if you're smart you can absolutely make some admirable gains. sorry for being vague but no one can tell you how much you should or shouldn't progress. I mean what is your diet going to look like? what is your training regimen? are you a "hardgainer"? without any anabolic sups (peptides, steroids, PH/DS, SARMs) how much do you normally gain on a 6-week bulk?

i have to disagree... s4 does come with its sides, but if you run it properly and gradually, it has a lot of benefit and stacking it with osta is a perfect match... you also do not need a serm after 8 weeks, but you definitely do need a mini pct... at least 3 weeks for proper recovery... you can get very nice gains on these, as you did point out... its obviously not an aas but the strength gains and some of the size are absolutely awesome...
i have to disagree... s4 does come with its sides, but if you run it properly and gradually, it has a lot of benefit and stacking it with osta is a perfect match... you also do not need a serm after 8 weeks, but you definitely do need a mini pct... at least 3 weeks for proper recovery... you can get very nice gains on these, as you did point out... its obviously not an aas but the strength gains and some of the size are absolutely awesome...

I think most people would disagree with me. I am definitely more risk averse when it comes to anabolics and their sides. And SERMS are the fastest/most reliable way to pick up your natty test production. Not to mention they are easy to get and cheap. I don't see the harm (and only see the benefit) to running a low dose of nolva (10-20mg/day) for 2-3 weeks post cycle (Unless you get bloods that report you are not suppressed) . I just wouldn't risk it. I'd have to say 95% of the anabolics that people report using on this board I won't touch at all lol...oh and not to mention I am skeptical of 99% of otc sups :)
I think most people would disagree with me. I am definitely more risk averse when it comes to anabolics and their sides. And SERMS are the fastest/most reliable way to pick up your natty test production. Not to mention they are easy to get and cheap. I don't see the harm (and only see the benefit) to running a low dose of nolva (10-20mg/day) for 2-3 weeks post cycle (Unless you get bloods that report you are not suppressed) . I just wouldn't risk it. I'd have to say 95% of the anabolics that people report using on this board I won't touch at all lol...oh and not to mention I am skeptical of 99% of otc sups :)

if it works for you and your comfortable with it, then thats all that matters man... im sure you already know that...
I have run Unique Osta 25mg ed solo for 8 weeks and no pct with no issues at all. I will say that for the last 2 weeks I didn't seem to gain much. Next time I think I'll stick to six weeks.
Well Ive been reading on Sarms for about 14 hours now. I've read threads saying They are good to build muscle and also maintain almost all of it with a mini pct. But how anabolic are they really( in terms of muscle Building) i know there not as good as the real deal(for muscle building) but how much can you gain(considering the diet is good,sleep is good and workout is intensive) from a 8 week S-4 and Osta? and how much stronger can you get?

I'm going to run it regardless but i fell running something for 8 weeks weakens the effect. i would prefer something like 6 weeks at doses of 60mgs of S-4 and 25mgs of Osta

And if an 8 week cycle of this would be better(in muscle gains) please post

man, you gotta slow your roll with all this stuff. Ive seen your posts go back 3 months, 4-5 threads of your are always at the top.

Not knocking you, or anything but you should slow down and take more time to learn all this shit.

no one gets it all fast....learning + research + self exp is slow. we will always be here to answer your ?'s but you gotta help youself.

I just finished my first week of Ostarine at 25 a day. No strength increases yet, but I do seem more vascular and have more energy. I've also gained 1 pound and my bodyfat% is exactly the same. This is on a maintence diet of roughly 2400 to 2600 calories. Liking it so far!
@N2Euro how were your strength gains from Osta?

Strength gains were very noticeable. I have also gained around 20lbs. solid since Jan. Most of which seemed to come from this last 8 week run. I did also run the GW The second time I used Osta. This past time was my third Osta cycle. I've never used anything else.
Finished week 2. Up 2.5 pounds and have lost .2% bodyfat. Starting to feel the strenght increase now. Veins are bulging and tons of energy. Real deal holyfield!!!
Scratch the part of no issues. I'm about 3 1/2 weeks off the Osta. Haven't been to the gym in four days, can't get seem to get up at the usual 4:30. No energy during the day, libido seems down as well. No weight loss though. Just feel really lazy.
Scratch the part of no issues. I'm about 3 1/2 weeks off the Osta. Haven't been to the gym in four days, can't get seem to get up at the usual 4:30. No energy during the day, libido seems down as well. No weight loss though. Just feel really lazy.

i had the same thing happen. i ran a PCT shortly after that and now i feel 100%. don't need naps during the day and up at a reasonable time.

i think it needs a pct even though some people say they're not that suppressive. always pct if your messing with hormones (or hormone receptors in the case of SARMs) IMO
From what I researched, a mini post cycle therapy (pct) of something like Forged post cycle therapy (pct) or Unleashed is a good idea, even running a natty test booster while running SARM's to help with the supression. I have been running HCGenerate and it has been fine...I did lose a little energy for a bit on S-4, and got the vision sides and cut it back to 5 on/2 off schedule, and running MK-2866 @ 25 mg ED (10 weeks), S-4 @ 50 mg ED (25/25) for 8 post cycle therapy (pct) for three weeks after...should be fine considering my balls are full and been keeping the wife very pleased...vascular as hell, strength is great, and down to 220 from 228.5 and appear more muscular, and lean.

I am very happy with the results so far!!!
anytime you run sarms over 5 weeks, you should run a mini post cycle therapy (pct) regardless of if you think you are supressed or not because you may not feel it, but chances are good there is some slight supression there... 2-3 weeks is recommended but I always go with 3 to be on the safe side... I always recommend running hcgenerate on the cycle and for post cycle therapy (pct) i use unleashed, forged post cycle therapy (pct) and bridge... (i prefer to double dose bridge but single dosing is fine as well)
man, you gotta slow your roll with all this stuff. Ive seen your posts go back 3 months, 4-5 threads of your are always at the top.

Not knocking you, or anything but you should slow down and take more time to learn all this shit.

no one gets it all fast....learning + research + self exp is slow. we will always be here to answer your ?'s but you gotta help youself.


I agree
Also, normally I also pick Osta over S-4 but seeing as RUI has it back in stock I HAVE to give that a go soon!
Just never used there S-4 from them for tests before.
MANY other products of theres that where nice (LOVE the peptides), but never got around to the S4.

Ill post up when I do.

for now its osta :-)
Also, normally I also pick Osta over S-4 but seeing as RUI has it back in stock I HAVE to give that a go soon!
Just never used there S-4 from them for tests before.
MANY other products of theres that where nice (LOVE the peptides), but never got around to the S4.

Ill post up when I do.

for now its osta :-)

got some osta for my rats from unique. They're in the first week!