Well Ive been reading on Sarms for about 14 hours now. I've read threads saying They are good to build muscle and also maintain almost all of it with a mini pct. But how anabolic are they really( in terms of muscle Building) i know there not as good as the real deal(for muscle building) but how much can you gain(considering the diet is good,sleep is good and workout is intensive) from a 8 week S-4 and Osta? and how much stronger can you get?
I'm going to run it regardless but i fell running something for 8 weeks weakens the effect. i would prefer something like 6 weeks at doses of 60mgs of S-4 and 25mgs of Osta
And if an 8 week cycle of this would be better(in muscle gains) please post
I'm going to run it regardless but i fell running something for 8 weeks weakens the effect. i would prefer something like 6 weeks at doses of 60mgs of S-4 and 25mgs of Osta
And if an 8 week cycle of this would be better(in muscle gains) please post