Ostarine, The benefits as compared to Anabolic steroids.
By now most of you will have heard of sARMS, or selective ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATORS, these new and pioneering supplements bind to the androgen receptor in pretty much the same way anabolic steroids such as Testosterone would, but in a novel and selective way, They exert many of the same anabolic effects that steroids do, but without many of the sides associated with other androgens. The Androgen Receptor plays a vital and significant role in the development and function of sexual organs, skeletal muscle, and bone, as well as other human organs ,When Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators bind to the receptor, they demonstrate powerful anabolic activity in both muscle and bone,(1) This is because they bind to the receptor and change its action in a novel way that is significantly different than typical androgen receptors stimulators such as synthetic androgens and non-synthetic androgens (Steroids) , and so they are able to alter the gene-transcription process in a manner that is tissue specific, in this particular case we are interested in its effects on bone and muscle.
Ostarine exerts its effects in a very anabolic way, comparisons have been made with the Anabolic steroid Deca- Durabolin, This is because not only is increased muscle mass seen but it has a very positive effect on joints and bones aswell as nitrogen retention.
Now most steroidal androgens convert to DHT or Estrogen so you have the increased chance of DHT related side effects, enlarged prostate for one, and hair loss if your prone, as well as a whole list of other potential DHT related side effects. And Estrogen causes a whole host too, Water retention (Edema), Hypertension (High blood pressure) and the unwelcomed and often hard to treat enlargement of the male breast tissue (Gyno)(2). You also get your own testosterone production shutdown on cycle so a Post cycle therapy protocol is essential to restore correct testosterone levels, even then the ongoing effects of impotence can be seen for many months after full testosterone recovery has been achieved.
However those problems along with many others if the steroid of choice is a progestin, can to some degree be eradicated through science, and the development of these new sARMS.
Ostarine (OSTA-SARMS) Doesnt convert to DHT or display any of the side effects by Dihydrotestosterone. In blood tests a slight raise in estrogen levels can be seen, and that might be one of the key factors in its tremendous potential for treating tendon, ligament, and bone injuries or illnesses. It also displays a very anabolic effect on muscle tissue, causing considerbale and easy to maintain gains in muscle over 4-6 weeks, with little to no sides and no PCT needed afterwards.
Another interesting aspect as opposed to your typical steroid is that sARMS remain very hard to detect for Anti-doping agencys as sARMS bypass in effect the well known 4 ring
steroid structure, so they are not steroids, but yet sARMS exert many of the same performance enhancing effects that steroids do without the sides (3)
Ostarine, Unleashing its power.
The big question is how do you get the most bang for your buck from Osta-sarms/ MK-2866?
Firstly we need to get some facts straight on what it is exactly, its half life and best dose.
Ostarine has a half life of 23.8 hours, So a once a day dose is the most effective to get your biggest peak of blood plasma serum levels. Depending on your goals though there are a couple of doses i personaly would recommend.
Anabolic dosing.
Dosing at 24mg-36mg a day gave me my biggest gains in muscle and the best muscle pumps over a 4 week period, going higher than 36mg did not increase the gains in lbm or strength over the same period, for somone weighing 200lbs 24mg is enough to elicit very good anabolism, However for somone weighing above 210lbs, 36mg in experiments i carried out seemed to be a much better dose, and in general lbm gain, and muscle hardness can be seen to increase after about 6 days.
These very same doses can be used on a cut, with decreased calories to maintain muscle, I highle recommend the use of Osta-sarms in this regard as even in a calorie surplus diet fat loss can be lost at quite a high rate 1-2lb a week, on a cut with added stimulants the loss of viceral fat can be increased exponentialy and muscle tone and hardness will also increase at a rapid rate revealing a ripped and cut physique thats also in a lot better state health wise than if a steroid was used to increase muscle retention during the same period of time.
Bone and tendon repair dosing.
One of the outstanding facets of Ostarine is that it doesnt just build muscle, it increases tendon strength, improves the health of the ligaments, increases bone density and increases the rate at wich collagen is turned over. To achieve this a dose of 12mg ed is adequate, and promotes improvement in joint movement that can be seen after just 6-8 days, this dose is very effective for treating injuries like shin splints, and can be used post operation to help maintain muscle and speed up the recovery of the limb, (Bone/Tendon) that has been operated on.