-SarmsSearch.com is looking for loggers! MUST READ!-


New member
To kick off the new year, SarmsSearch.com is on the lookout for some loggers!
***For GREAT info, check out my informative post regarding Sarms: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...sarms-info-thread-hosted-sarmssearch-com.html

I have bottles of each of our products to give to lucky applicants:
- S4
- Ostarine
- GW501516
- LGD-4033
- MK-677

- Must give DETAILED posts (what you did in the gym, dosage of each you took, etc). Please include links to previous logs you've run so that I may see how well you keep up. Checking in once a week with "Worked out today" is NOT acceptable! You're getting FREE stuff, so it's not asking much that you TRULY log it!

Got your eye on one in particular? OR would you like to run a stack, including our famous TRIPLE STACK (S4, Osta, GW)?

Send me a PM, tell me which you'd like to log, and why I should choose you. Only a handful will be chosen. Lets get this new year started right, get your beach bods early this year! :dance2:
Send me a PM if interested or if you have any questions! As a firm believer in sarms, I can assure you sarms have a lot to offer you. If you're looking for fat loss or a full body recomp sarms is the safe way to go if you're afraid of taking the AAS plunge or if you are just looking for something different!
Bumping this, as we are looking for new loggers!

Please send me a PM if you're interested. Just taking a few more for this run, so apply quick as these spots always go fast!
Awesome opportunity guys, whether you're looking to finish off your winter bulk or start cutting up for summer this is a great chance to jump on some great products from a top notch company
CLOSED! After my PM inbox was blown up to the point of having to delete messages so applicants could reach me, we are closing this log session. Stay tuned for our next set of logs!