Scale Question


New member
This one has me scratching my head, Ill try to explain as best I can.

Say you have a digital scale that weighs powders to the accuracy of 0.X.

You want to weigh out 10g of powder.

Upon placing around 9g onto the scale, you add slowly, the scale is reading...
10.0 <-- there, 10g...or is it?

At what point after 9.9g does the scale decide to read 10? IS it possible that the scale rounds up after 9.5?

I believe that the only way to get an accurate measurent is to use a more accurate scale (0.XX), and I know some bro's still use 0.X accuracy scales. Anyone have any spec's from thier scales to disprove this theory?
For my weigh 120-z

Accuracy (as tested) +/- 0.1 gram

with the .0x not being a significant figure, it could be anything from 9.51 to 10.49. Who admits to guessworking thier powders? Cmon...
if you had a scale accurate to 0.x and it showed 10.0g- then it could be anywhere between 9.91 and 10.09 supposedly. which isnt too significant. i have a scale accurate to the hundredths 0.0x. ive had powders come in light on several occasions by more than just a 10th.
also- the only thing i dislike about my scale is that it doesnt go higher than 50g. harder to work with higher powder weights.
FTC said:
if you had a scale accurate to 0.x and it showed 10.0g- then it could be anywhere between 9.91 and 10.09 supposedly. which isnt too significant. i have a scale accurate to the hundredths 0.0x. ive had powders come in light on several occasions by more than just a 10th.
your right bro I wanst thinking straight. I had posted between 9.51-10.49 which would be to the ones place, not the tenths. :doh:
depends how accurate the scale is. Some of the more expensive ones can round to the hundreth, thousandth, ect... , but I think if your making home brew .1 more of something wont do anything, infact youll prob lose it somewhere in the process.