sci-fit methyl test!!


New member
Has anyone here tried sci-fit methyl test or ght. I heard from a few guys that the methyl test is almost as good as the real thing and it's definitely cheaper. A guy I know stacked both of them and gaind 10 pounds in two weeks. I'm just want to see what the "pro's" think.
i think methyltest is crap. Its good for getting you jacked up and ready to lift. Or it can just make you pissed off all the time. Also it is hard to keep the gains from methyltest. Plus it is very liver toxic, b/c its Methylated at the c-17 Alfa Position. its c17-Alfa Alkylated. This is a;so a short acting drug. Only 6-8 hours. So multiple doses are required throughout the day. Mostly only powerlifters use it, b/c of the crazy strength gains. Plus b/c it creates p-450 enzyme activity, which causes you to get gyno much easier than test depo. Also, high blood preassure, and nose bleeds are common with medium to high doses of the drug. Gyno is almost a certainty. Can you tell i don;t like the stuff.
I have no desire to use the stuff given the availibilty and prices of D-Bol, Anavar, and oral Winstrol.
Thanks a lot for your opinions. I'm prolly gonna do a real cycle instead of fuckin' around with the legal crap.
Legal crap? You just said methyl test. That is not legal.

Methyl 1-test is another story. Do a little searching; there's plenty of good testimonials even from gear users.
Hey Yeh I'M Big,
You sound like you know what you are talking about,
Except were you talking about methyl Test or M1T, which is what I think jonjrambo was asking about.
he was talking about mythyl test ( i hope) not m1t. he is right methyl test is garbage, m1t on the other hand is very potent.. if you get the real deal you will some good results.