Sd matrix, m-sten and stanodrol


New member
Hey guys. Ive been reading up on Sd matrix and it seems to be a 2 week cycle. Is it possible to take the matrix for the 2 weeks immediately followed by a month of msten and stano? This would make it a 6 week cycle. I would take cycle assist during the whole cycle and would follow with a clomid and nolva post cycle therapy (pct). is this fine or a big NO NO? Cant see y it wouldnt be ok, but im here to ask the pros. My next question is about estrogen control. Most of what ive read say to take estrogen control immediately after the 2 weeks of matrix, but would it change if followed my msten and stano? Would yhis 6 weeks be fine? Thanks before hand
I'm by no means a pro but do have some light to shed. M-sten is already a very harsh compound on the liver, stack it with stano for 4 weeks and your liver is getting a pounding. SD matrix is even stronger than either of those and will take this to the next level. It's a 2-4 week cycle because it's so damn harsh on your system you probably won't want to run it longer. Just take your 4 weeks of gains and save the SD matrix for another time. Running 6 weeks of strong methylated orals is never recommended. Some impatient people do it, but it's not smart, especially when you're not running TUDCA/UDCA along with these PHs the whole time.

If you push aside my advice and go ahead and do it anyway... (NOT RECOMMENDED), the estrogen control would be run the same as if the m-sten and stano wasn't run at all. PES Erase may suffice for this... but I may recommend something that's not OTC like a small dose of extremestane as this 6 weeks cycle is rather powerful.