Second Cycle Advice - when can I start


New member
I have recently finished my first cycle of test-e and was really pleased with the results. As a first cycle the aim was to get my feet wet and see how I respond.

I'm really keen to start another cycle and I'm working around upcoming beach holidays. So I'm keen to get some advice on what my options are given the need for proper recovery time.

The recent cycle was:

Week 1-10:
Test-e 400mg (split into two pins)
Armidex .25mg EOD
HCG 250iu E3D

Week 10-12
Armidex .25mg EOD
HCG 250iu E3D

PCT Week 13-16
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

I had 50mg of Clomid ED for the first week but couldn't handle the sides. Was feeling too depressed and anxious so I stopped. Some back acne too which is clearing up since I stopped.

I've just started week 3 of PCT on Nolva only.

I'll get post cycle bloods in another 2-3 weeks to see where I am siting relative to my pre-cycle test. (I didn't get mid cycle bloods)

I'm 6'4", 30yo and roughly 11% BF. Have been training for 6yrs on and off. I started the cycle at 92kg and went up to 103kg at its peak and have now dropped to 98.5kg in my 3rd week of PCT. I didn't bloat much at all so I did lose muscle....

Biggest learning was not to do a cycle when I have too many other things going on. Work and personal items really impacted training and diet, especially in PCT when it counts most. Because of this I have lost some size that I should have kept (my own fault, I'm seriously pissed but I have learned from it).


I have a 1 week beach holiday in 9 weeks and I'm keen to pump up for it. Is there a short cycle I could do just prior to the holiday so I can have adequate recovery but still look great? It seems too soon to start test again but is a lightly suppressive oral only an option? Or would test p be worthwhile?

In addition, around January I plan to do a full 12-14 week cycle of test-e 500mg, kick starting with Dbol and possibly finish up with Var. but based on what and when I can do my next one this may all change.

Really keen for your advice, thanks