Second cycle assistance for newbie


New member
anadrol 50mg ED for 18 days (18 on hand) with thistle and saw palmetto and cranberry juice
dbol 30 mgs ED for 17 days (only 100 pinkies on hand)
and begin deca (mgs?.. i have 1.5 bottles of QV300 on hand) and karachi sos (16 250 mg amps on hand) when start dbol. I was thinking of 750, 750,750,500,500,250,250,250 then the deca will finish up the last few wks I was thinking with some holland clomid 50's (mgs?) and maybe nolva (needed?) Also, should I do the sos weekly, biweekly, etc?

I know not very specific but if this helps i am 21 , 6'1" 220 8% (was less % before cycle around abdominal region) I am aiming for enough bulk to cut to 230 lean. I start my clomid therapy tommorow from first cycle cause last deca injection was 2wks ago, I will take 50mgs holland clomid EOD. I have been lifting for almost 4years strictly, the first cycle brought me from 200 to 220 with drol 50/ED, deca 300/wk.

Thanks for everyone's great help so far, yall saved me from getting that IP rocketfuel trash.
I don't really care for the design you have set up (the tapering and multiple orals at once). I would recommend you use the sustanon 1 amp every 4 days (total of 64 days), and either the anadrol or dbol alone for the first 3 weeks...I would keep the dbol at 25 mg. or less though...And I would definitely look into some aromatose inhibitors with those drugs you are using.
I figured it was a stretch. You think the tapering would be a waste of gear? what aromatose inhibitors u recommend?
this is what I'd do if I had what you have (I don't have any experience with drol or deca and probably never will, but here ya go anyway):

1-9: 450mg deca (1.5mL a week, doubled the first week)
2-9: 500mg Sustanon (sust) (2 amps, mon & thrus or whatever, just spread out)
1-3: 50mg drol ED (a few days short)
10-12: 25mg d-bol ED

and maybe 1.25mg letro or .5mg ana ED or EOD (depends how you react to test and d-bol)
that looks good, but I don't understand why d-bol last few wks? Prob a dumb question,but I thought if you make gains off drol or d-bol and don't follow with an anabolic like sos or deca then you lose gains within days b/c they weren't solidified?
no need to front load with test. Sustanon (sust) already fucks with blood levels they are never even. Do the Sustanon (sust) at 500 a week through out
VitorBelfort said:
Doc banner make a good point, some use dbol after the last shot to keep some gains before clomid i think.

And so you can start clomid straight after the last tab.
clomid dosage u recommend? any other aftercycle gear you all recommend? I still have alot to learn about after cycle gear usage like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, etc
Lilarnold said:
clomid dosage u recommend? any other aftercycle gear you all recommend? I still have alot to learn about after cycle gear usage like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, etc

Do the clomid something like this 200 mgs. days 1-2, 100 mg days 3-14, 50 mg days 15-21. I also used nolvadex this last time out at 20 mgs days 1-10, 10 mgs/day for day 11-21. This post cycle regimen got my natty test back up and working again pretty well.
Lilarnold said:
that looks good, but I don't understand why d-bol last few wks? Prob a dumb question,but I thought if you make gains off drol or d-bol and don't follow with an anabolic like sos or deca then you lose gains within days b/c they weren't solidified?

the d-bol the last three weeks is to eleminate that 3 week "in between" peroid were you aren't reallly making gains (b/c blood levels aren't high enough for most of the time) or able to start clomid (this is b/c of the really long ester in the Sustanon (sust) and deca). Using d-bol like this will allow you to let the long esters clear your system while still making gains right until you start your clomid.

That's a myth about d-bol or drol, they make you hold water so you will lost some water when you come off either, but if you eat enough and train well you will make gains and if you eat right and train right after the oral, you will keep the bulk of those gains.

This also spreads out your oral use which will make it easier on your liver. Drol is pretty harsh and I'd hate to see you run d right after it. Give the your liver a break, it needs lovin too :p