Second cycle: Test-E/Winny


New member
HI, I'm brazilian and I don't speak English well, so I'm not sure if you will understand everything :insane:
I'm looking for the best cycle for my boyfriend. About 4 months ago he finished his first cycle. He did test cypionate and nandrolone deca. He gained about 40 pounds, a lot of fat and water. Now, 4 months after, he lost 20 pounds. He wants to do another cycle now and swore me it will be his last cycle. So we are looking for something that will give him just "lean muscle" (no fat and water). I studied a lot in a brazilian forum and found this cycle:
1 - 10 weeks testabolon 250 2 times/week
5 - 12 weeks stanolon 50 or 100 every other day
They told it is good for what he is looking. What do you think? Thank you so much!
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Your boyfriend need to learn about Aromatase Inhibitors. His high testosterone is concerting into estrogen. Too much estrogen in males is bad -- it can even result in the formation of breast tissue. That is why he gained so much water weight. Just like you do when you are menstruating.

Let me guess, he had some erectile problems on his last cycle?

So on a different note, we love seeing pics of Garotas here. Maybe you can post your pic for us. It is nice of you to try and help him.
Your boyfriend need to learn about Aromatase Inhibitors. His high testosterone is concerting into estrogen. Too much estrogen in males is bad -- it can even result in the formation of breast tissue. That is why he gained so much water weight. Just like you do when you are menstruating.

Let me guess, he had some erectile problems on his last cycle?

So on a different note, we love seeing pics of Garotas here. Maybe you can post your pic for us. It is nice of you to try and help him.

fortunately he didn't had erectile problems, but had some gyno because he didn't take any AIs or SERMs (I know, he was really stupid, he just took the steroids without studying before). But his gyno is "gone" by itself. I don't want he has it again, so this time, I'm taking care about everything.
Did some research here and now I'm in doubt.. I'd like to know if Test-e + Anavar is better than Test-e + Winny. Can somebody help me?
Also, during the cycle he will take Exemestane every day for 15 weeks and HCG 2x a week from his first pin up, until 3-4 days before the PCT (I'm not sure what is the right dosage for exemestane and HCG.
For PCT he will take Clomafene Citrate 50 everyday for 4 weeks and Tamoxifen citrate 40 every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks.