second roid cycle


New member
All right the time is almost near for my second juice cycle can get just bout anything thanks to the internet lol but last time obviously I did it wrong and just did tren ace by itself thatsa no no because I thought I got gyno but turned out it was just water retention and peptides cleared that right up in pct but I was think ink bout tren something. Again but what should I stack with it what are all my options not something that's gonna bloat me all to hell and what would work best with these peptides I'm doing ipam and cjc no dac I wanna keep doing these to so any suggestions I know somebody on here can point me in the right direction here for a half newbie
I feel like the peptides would compliment any cycle pretty nicely - just make sure you don't do something like run tren ace by itself again. Sounds like a rough first cycle...
If you did ok with tren sides I would consider a lower dose of test with your tren, like 250-300mg of test per week and 400mg tren per week. Could throw in mast too at 350-400mg per week. I wouldn't normally recommend anything with tren for a second cycle but since you already did it and you did ok with and considering you want to keep bloat to a minimum. You can run a low dose of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it and I would run caber with the tren too in case of prolactin issues.
Yeah the tren didn't bother me much didn't even bloat me as much as my buddy said it did for him body took it fine I have high blood pressure but it lowered it or seemed to idk it could be the peptides to??? It was about the same time that i noticed when i was on the pepsAny studies on this I've looked to no avail
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Pfizer aromasin :)

just look on google, the benefits of aromasin (for example: it elevate igf-1 production by 28% If I remeber good) :)
If you did ok with tren sides I would consider a lower dose of test with your tren, like 250-300mg of test per week and 400mg tren per week. Could throw in mast too at 350-400mg per week. I wouldn't normally recommend anything with tren for a second cycle but since you already did it and you did ok with and considering you want to keep bloat to a minimum. You can run a low dose of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it and I would run caber with the tren too in case of prolactin issues.

I agree with meat. normally tren isn't good for a second cycle, but since you already ran it, a test/tren/mast cycle is a good recomp cycle or if you're eating to cut, one of the best cutting cycles. to have less bloat, use short esters, test prop/tren ace/mast prop, and use ai's.

If you also want to add more peptides, I think myostatin hmp can be great addition to the aas cycle.|High Performance|Research Chemicals|Peptides