Secret Service Questions 13 year old becasue of Facebook

Zero V

Prodigal son
Did anyone else see this on the news?

Secret service detain and question a 13 year old kid at school(without parents present) because of a Facebook post he made?

Yeah I know its fox news in the link, but I snatched the first one that popped on Google.

13-Year-Old Boy Questioned by Secret Service Over Facebook Posting -

How big of a joke can the government become? I mean seriously? They just wasted how many tax dollars(in flight costs, etc) to send secret service agents to question a young 13 year old kid over a a Facebook post in reference to Obama(One man, one normal human man who is in no way above any of us, therefore not worth the millions wasted protecting him IMO.)

Eh, its all one joke anymore.

I am moving to Mexico or Canada, this country is officially retarded. lol
Just to Clarify Fox new is one of the only news outlets that will tell both sides. You clearly have the ability to notice the problems. Welcome to reality. Your in good company.
yeah I got interrogated by the FBI for "threatening the life of an agent via text", I got a good laugh about that after I bombarded them with facts and sent their asses packing while they looked like incompetent fools.