seriuos insulin question


New member
I am gettin gready to start running insulin in my next cylcle I was curious to find out if my timing of sleep is right due to my work and what is the purpose of wake up injections and if that would be ok for me. I work nights and so I workout when I get off. I am done lifting at 6:45 a.m. and will take insulin immediately after. I will be using Humalin R. If I have my shake immediately after and then at 8:00a.m. have my meal and then at 9:30a.m. have a protein shake will at 10:00a.m. will I be ok to fall asleep. I will take 5iu's first working up to 12iu's.

Could wake up injectios be better for me. Take my shot at 4:00 p.m. when I get up for work. My job I am able to eat and keep a close I on myself to makes sure I do not go hypo.

I hope you understand the questions. Thanks for the replies.
If I were you, I would take your shot before you start training. Just keep your carb/creatine/glutamine drink with you and sip it throughout your workout. Then drink your shakes and eat your meals as you have planned.

If you insist on taking your slin after you train, use Humilog as it acts much faster and clears your system faster.
If I were you, I would take your shot before you start training. Just keep your carb/creatine/glutamine drink with you and sip it throughout your workout. Then drink your shakes and eat your meals as you have planned.

If you insist on taking your slin after you train, use Humilog as it acts much faster and clears your system faster.

yeah, agreed man. i missed my morning w/o once last month and was going to do it after work/before bed. then i thought, shit.......the R works on me well into 6-7 hours. at 5-6 hours post i go hypo like mad. so seeing that i would have only my immediate post shake, and the 2hr shake, leaving my usual 5hrs post w/o big pigout feast to while i am sleeping....i worked out the next morning instead. no way i work out using slin anywhere past late afternoon. i want 7 hours till i lay down to sleep, and i'm putting food in me right before bed also. i need to get a dextrose/whey drink right after....and a maltodextrin/casein drink 2 hrs later, then a big ass meal 2 hrs after that. then i am done and back to the usual every 3 hrs get my protein at least. but if i had humalog, i'd do it. since its shorter acting like LS said.
BTW: i say be safe and take your insulin shot ONLY post w/o and take your drink 15 minutes after that. then do what you need to do food intake wise from there. but i would not mess with off days, or before w/o's or any of that shit. be safe with it and you won't get yourself in trouble.