Serkan Cetin 6 weeks out!

Looking great, serkan! Extremely dry, almost too dry for six weeks out! Good Luck!

Guys, give him a break & get off his sack! He just gave you his entire diet & training regimen, that's alot to give. Low self esteem or whatever, he just wants to feel good about his pre-comp body. I'm sure he doesn't get alot of pats on the back at the gym, he probably just gets alot of stares and jealous comments! If he were doing the opposite and acting like a cocky ass, you guys would still be all over him.
Cut him a little slack, dudes!
LOoking great man! Keep up the awsome work. I would like to see what you look like from contest so make sure you post some pics when you get them.

Good luck!
Golgo13 said:
:/ So, have you ever used.. like steroids or anything?

I hear that shit makes people huge.


If you've been BBing long enough (and I dont know if you have been or not, cause I dont know you) then you should know by now that the actual drugs you use is not the determining factor in how you will look. With all the talk about drugs on these boards havent you heard enough?
Maybe focus on the type of info that has been given here (diet, training, cardio) a little more, and not be so concerned about every dumb ass cycle that somebody might use.
I too think shrek here hes a huge self esteem prob. He probably gets home and whacks his little chicken to what people say about him.
I seen him in a few boards and doesnt really show much interest in helping others with there transformation.

If u look like that year round then go on the list for a liver cause your not gonna last too much longer.

Other then that look great. Keep blowing your head