Sermorelin log


New member
Hello all!

Personal Introduction:

I'm obviously brand new here! My name is Jason, I'm 21 years old and seeking to maximize my potential mentally and physically. I've been lurking around the forums for quite some time now, seeking to expand my knowledge in the delightful world of peptides. The personal goal I hope to achieve with the "research" of peptides would be to increase my strength, health, energy, and overall my vibrancy as an individual.

Relevant Log Details:

- I have yet to find anyone whom has published a Sermorelin log with complete information or a conclusion to the peptides effectiveness.

- I will likely post updates two or three times a week.

- I have never taken anything to manipulate the production of hormones in my body prior to Sermorelin.

- I'm currently following a 5x5 workout routine to pack on mass strength (I can post my workouts and weight increases from week to week if anyone finds it relevant)

- My nutrition is very clean and will fluctuate from 2500 calories to 3500 calories (Can post details upon request)

- I've been lifting for just under two years (noobie)

Log Data

My Sermorelin is being reconstituted with Sodium Chloride and follows the process outlined here

I am currently on day 3 of "research", I started off with 200 MCG for the first two days and had prepared a diphenhydramine injection (benedryl) in the event that Sermorelin put me into anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) which it did not.

I've been "researching" every night before bed and as of day 3, raised the usage to 300 MCG which will be the dosage I plan to use from this point forward.

I will be cycling it by using 5 times a week and taking one month off every 6 months

Sermorelin Effects:

It's only day 3 so it's far too soon to tell. However, I've noticed dryness in the throat about 45 minutes after injection. The first night I thought it was a placebo effect, the second night I was still unsure but come night 3 after the dosage was raised, I was certain. It doesn't last, goes away by the time I wake up the next day and isn't too uncomfortable. I will continue reporting on weather or not this side effect persists.
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So, Sermorelin isn't combined with Ghrp 2/6 ?

I'm aware that it's generally recommended, from research I've done it's said that they have a synergistic effect if i'm not mistaken. The reason i'm not combing the two is primarily for safety reasons. If I have a reaction or develop some nasty side effects, I wan't to be certain of the source. This is a dangerous game as it is, I figure it best to minimize risk where applicable. I'm considering adding in ghrp-6 after week #6 which is when I will be replenishing my sermorelin supply.
Sermorelin Effects: Day #5

Well, the first week of injections are done. I'll be resuming Monday and continuing through until Friday as scheduled. The dryness in my throat has subsided and I believe it was attributed to a minor cold, which would make sense as cold symptoms often worsen at night (This is due to the redistribution pressure attributed to laying in a horizontal position as opposed to standing in a vertical position.) The last two days #4 and #5 I do feel as if I have woken up with a more rested feeling. I'll be certain of this come week #2