shawn ray, kevin levrone vid

coupla fags ....was BoB Paris there least he came out.....perhaps Shooby should too
That was like their Flex workout video or something like that. That's what it said when I downloaded it before at least. But those two guys are bodybuilding greats, and they've done a lot for the sport.
Shawn Ray is cool as hell and definetly not a fag. I have 2 of his vids and hes one of the nicest guys in the sport.
mattd46612 said:
Shawn Ray is cool as hell and definetly not a fag. I have 2 of his vids and hes one of the nicest guys in the sport.

How can you be sure hes not a fag. Thats the first time Ive heard those guys speak and I dont know about shawn and BIG KEV...they may be a little fruity.
Shawn has a done a lot for the sport. Levrone hasnt done much, but lets look at this from an unbiased perspective. That is one of the more homoish actual training vids Ive yet to see. And yes, levrone has done real deal gay ass homo workout vids.

This one gets 3 tissues out of 5.
It said Flex Magazine Workout at the bottom left of the video at the beginning. It used to air on ESPN in the mornings along with those other defunct shows like Kiana's flex appeal.
Wynn said:
It said Flex Magazine Workout at the bottom left of the video at the beginning. It used to air on ESPN in the mornings along with those other defunct shows like Kiana's flex appeal.
Yep used to watch that when i was younger.
Man - how gay is that video! They even offered each other orange juice and backrubs. And what's with the outfits?

Still, awesome physiques. I have no idea Kevin was so much bigger then Shawn. He looks awesome in that vid.

So, the question, which I never have wondered about before. Are these guys both gay? (Not that it really changes my view of them as great bodybuilders, but still you gotta wonder after seeing that!)
LOL @ them calling 2 plates a side on the smith machine 225 pounds.