Shin pains while squatting


New member
at some point last year, i adjusted my squatting stance to a more wider stance (basically just as wide as you would see at a PLing competition), and now im noticing that my shins are killing me after a heavy squat session. Ive had about 6 people watch my squat form to make sure that my knees arent going past my toes, and they arent. Plus, my knees are kept flared as well.

The pain is right on the shin bone, about three inches below the base of the patella (kneecap).

What do you guys think the problem is??
They are called shin-splints runners get them often. You need to stretch more and most likely your potassium level is low. Do more stretching, eat some bananas. Sleep with socks on, your feet may be cramping when you sleep. Myofascial release massage works wonders for this, although it can be a fairly painful process.
hmmmm so the calcium buildup im having on the areas of my shins are from shin splints? there are actual bumps formed there now on my shins. Im pretty sure my potassium intake is pretty high, as i eat a fair bit of bananas thruout the day.

I guess ill just have to endure this....and keep it in check of course
You did not mention calcium build up that could be something else, go see a doctor.
yeah, ive already booked an fam doc just told me it was shin splints, but im investigating further....thanks for the insight Husky
sounds like you might have trigger points in your Adductors Longus and Brevis, it's symptoms sounds like exactly what you describe. that page shows where the trigger points are(scroll down to the section "Trigger Points in the Adductors"). You have to have both feet on the floor to work on the adductors or they will be tense, then try massaging the muscles.