shin splints& separated shoulder


New member
I separated my shoulder playing rugby last spring... its still not right.
I don't know what i can do exercise wise to help it out. all i know is that i can't bench press (it's the most excruciating pain i have had associated with the injury) and my strength has decreased.
Also, i seem to get shin splints late into every season. is there anything i can do this off season to prevent them in the future.
any help would be appreciated... im in bad shape here.
For the shoulder thing, all you can do is get the opinions of some good sports chiropractors or orthopedists in your area. I would stay away from upper body lifting until you've gotten the hands-on analysis and advice of an expert. You could make things worse otherwise.

Shin splints are usually the result of weak Tibialis muscles that end up being overstretched during a lot of running. The Tibialis can be strengthened by doing calf raise/press variations off of the heels as opposed to the toes as when you're training the main calf muscles.
ive always been told that shin splints are the result of weak calf muscles . if you have ever seen some one deadlifting and suddenly get the shakes on a max effort or a last rep to failure i was also always told that is a result of week calves