shit lab - but with great customer service

Charles Bronson

old timey gentleman
dk if this is the right place t post this rant, but if i save one person from wasting their time and money like idid.. worth it to me for any ridicule and bs i might catch from people on here..

ran 'hulkbody' gear based on a rec from a friend who'd used them "a couple times "

dbol wk 1-4: 50 mg ed

testosterone wk 1-20: 600mg per wk

tren e wk 1-16: 800 mg pr wk

ran adex prammi and cialis..

hulkbody = joke

the story is that this lab has changed hands and is riding on the reputation for what they USED to be

the communication from this guy was excellent, delivery was spot on - but as soon as i ran into issues , i got the feeling this dude had very little knowledge or experience.

good guy - but a sales/ customer rep and NOT familiar with aas

the dbol was halfway legit, i experienced some back pumps/ strength gains.. more along the lines of a weak 25 mg pr day run - not the 50 and 100 i was taking

the test was really underpowered, i had almost no libido running 600mg, bumped to 800 just to finally start getting morning wood..

tren.. wasnt total bunk, but so ridiculously underpowered - i had better results / more sides using 300mg pr week tren ace from another source in 2013 than with the tren e @ 800 pr week from this guy..

the worst problem was test had so much ba the pip was unreal, swollen red and hot to the touch 2-3 days after injection. i rotated through 8 diff injection sites and massaged constantly trying to keep from ruining my pin sites

steer clear of this source, its not the same lab it was a year or two ago so it doesn't matter what you buddy might have experienced with them in the past - they are garbage
Same owners as many of the other shit UGL's on a popular "noob" review site. I wish I knew you were going there man! I could have saved you time and money by warning you. :(