Shoot on needs to be pre-contest like


"Resident BadAss"
Ok, well this Friday I have a shoot that will basically be the start of re-building my portfolio again. I would say that my diet has been excellent and I haven't cheated but say, maybe one time per week.

So the shoot is Friday at 3pm, and I need to so something like I would if I were getting ready for a contest. What should i do different, to make myself come in looking crisp, full, and lean? My bodyfat is from around 6.4% to 6.6%. I have measured about 10 different times, and still get this with digital calipers. I just want to come in there looking as full and tight as I can, with a little more vascularity.

Here is the diet I have been following:

6am - train & cardio (i know, i know, its not good..but what can i do)

Meal 1 - 7:30am - PWO - 50g whey iso protein/75g dextrose

Meal 2 - 8:45am - 7 egg whites / 1 cup oatmeal

Meal 3 - 11:45am - 50g whey iso protein/2 tbsp flax oil

Meal 4 - 2:00pm - grilled chicken (50g), baked potato, 1c brocolli

Meal 5 - 5:00pm - 50g whey iso protein/2 tbsp flax oil

Meal 6 - 8:00pm - grilled tunasteak (50g), 1c brown rice, salad

10pm I'm in bed.

How should I adjust this as if Friday was my contest date?
Just did a search....saw the book. That would def be something worth looking in to.

But I only have 5 days to work on this for right now, so I'm looking for a way to alter my diet a little bit for this shoot, and then later on I can get the book for future knowledge.
Best advice don't do anything different then what you WERE doing--

All you should do is cut your water back the day before the shoot along with some sodium.

Don't get all crazy with things unless you have had time to experiment before hand and KNOW what is going to work.

Last week prep for most will make them look 10% better if they get it perfect or typically 10% worse WHEN they f*ck up.
Awesome. I thought about cutting my water and sodium back a little. I'm currently drinking about 1 1/2 gallons plus per day, and my sodium isn't that bad. I will cut it to around 3/4 gallon, and knock out all the sodium after Wednesday.

You are right about the experimenting thing too. There really isn't a basic "wonder diet" to go by. Each individual's body is different, and I just need to practice with this again.

It's been 6 years since I did my last BB contest, and honestly, I have forgotten a lot about the pre-contest diet info.

Thanks Dirk