Short cycle


New member
I'm about to start a short cycle, just looking for opinions on it.

1-6 Test prop 200mg EOD
1-6 Anavar 60mg ED
arimidex if needed

PCT starts 4 days after last shot
3 weeks of Nolvadex at 40/40/20

I'm over 30, been training 15+ years and have done a few cycles in the last 4 years. HT 6 weight 230, BF% 12-14
hey doesnt sound bad at all just wondering what your previous cycles were and ill be able to give u a better opinion.
do a standard post cycle therapy (pct) of 40/40/20/20 that's the only thing i can see... 200mg eod might be a bit much but if that's what you think you want then giver.. it'll be a nice little cycle for you
Phil9999 said:
hey doesnt sound bad at all just wondering what your previous cycles were and ill be able to give u a better opinion.
10 weeks test cyp 500mg stacked with EQ at 600mg

the other 2 were just test only cycles for 8-10 weeks at 500-600mg a week