short cycles explained

IMO short cycles are good for athletes but not the average BB/PL. The main problem I have with them is that they don't allow the nervous system to acclimate to the increased strength that the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will elict. Longer cycles allow for this.
I know I am a novice. But in the original post it said the test levels were something like 54 on day 15 after a 14 day cycle. How can that be checked. I thought I had to wait until after post cycle therapy (pct) therapy --- long after the juice is gone to get realistic levels tested. I would love to do 3-4 week cycles to avoid the negatives. A lot of people say time on should = time off. One guy I met said he goes on for a year and then takes a year off. He is sure gonna get some negative side effects in my opinion. A year off is a long time after being on that long.
DocJ said:
IMO short cycles are good for athletes but not the average BB/PL. The main problem I have with them is that they don't allow the nervous system to acclimate to the increased strength that the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will elict. Longer cycles allow for this.
Agreed... reaching hemostasis is the body recognizing the new size therefor causing a new setpoint.
Mesomorphyl said:
Agreed... reaching hemostasis is the body recognizing the new size therefor causing a new setpoint.
HUGE debate on setpoint over at Avant Labs, might want to check it out, it's worth the read.
over thinking

There are an infinite ways to do a cycle, short or long. Bill Roberts is known for his knowledge and experience but I have to dissagree. Some of his cycles seem way over thought. This would be me for short for example 1-4 d-bol
1-6 test prop 3-6 Winstrol (winny) armidex 1-5 post cycle therapy (pct) 6-8
Really simple short solid cycle.
Just me, I'm not an expert. :insane2:
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the problem with short cycles is that it isnt better for HPTA because in studys a single dose of 100mg NPP shut the subject down for 5days so its logical to assume that a couple of hundreds miligrams of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will shut you down for weeks.,heres the article:

The Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, Vol 281, No. 1; 93-102, 1997.

HPTA Suppression Is Imminent

Anyone who’s used anabolic steroids for any length of time will easily observe that when they discontinue using, they invariably "crash." That is to say, their body is producing next to zero endogenous androgens. This can lead to significant loss of muscle gain, loss of strength gains, lethargy, depression and a whole host of other disorders. Of course, drugs like HCG, HMG, clomiphene and similar gonadotrophics can help to ameliorate such symptoms, but these aren’t 100% cure-alls. The success or failure of such secondary drug use varies considerably between individuals.

This study utilized ten healthy male volunteers who were randomized to receive either the phenylpropionate or decanoate ester of nandrolone via intramuscular, oily depo injection. A single injection of only 100 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate caused almost complete suppression of endogenous Testosterone by day three and lasted until around day eight.

Endogenous levels of Testosterone didn’t return to baseline levels for almost fifteen days, while the same type of injection with nandrolone decanoate caused almost complete inhibition of endogenous by day four. Endogenous levels of Testosterone didn’t return to baseline levels for greater than twenty days! All this from a single, 100-mg injection of nandrolone!

This tells me that no matter what you do, whether it’s a short lasting ester or a long lasting ester, you’ll end up totally shutting down your body’s ability to make androgens for at least two to three weeks. Since nobody (well, at least nobody male) uses only 100 mg of nandrolone per week, it’s reasonable to conclude that the suppression caused by 500mg of an esterified anabolic per week (an average dose) would be much greater than two to three weeks. This study didn’t deal with fast acting orals like stanozolol and oxandrolone, but there’s no reason to think that these won’t cause HPTA insult as well.

It means that HPTA insult is inevitable and should be planned for accordingly in your cycle. That is to say, you should plan on crashing for a few weeks post-cycle no matter what. Because of this, you’re going to want to extend and "beef up" your cycle so that you overshoot your final goal.
bmass said:
the problem with short cycles is that it isnt better for HPTA because in studys a single dose of 100mg NPP shut the subject down for 5days so its logical to assume that a couple of hundreds miligrams of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will shut you down for weeks.,heres the article:
From a HPTA standpoint, yes, short cycles don't make too much sense. However I'd be interested in a study that compares the length of recovery from different length cycles. What you seem to be suggesting is that a 4 week cycle would take just as long to recover from than a 10 weeker and I think that would be highly unlikely. In addition, from what I've seen, the majority of people who do shorter cycle do it for other reasons such as reduced time with: crappy lipid profile, high BP, high liver enzymes, etc.
DocJ said:
From a HPTA standpoint, yes, short cycles don't make too much sense. However I'd be interested in a study that compares the length of recovery from different length cycles. What you seem to be suggesting is that a 4 week cycle would take just as long to recover from than a 10 weeker and I think that would be highly unlikely. In addition, from what I've seen, the majority of people who do shorter cycle do it for other reasons such as reduced time with: crappy lipid profile, high BP, high liver enzymes, etc.
I was only talking about HPTA and no im not suggesting that a 4weeker shut you down as much as a 12weeker ,the point i was making is that you dont recover as fast as some people thought you might,but of course short cycles have other benefits like you said:not so crappy lipid profile,´high liver enzymes and so on...i remember reading about a guy pro athleats like NFL,NHL players,track and field,and bb;ers come to him and he helps them to cycle and he takes regular bloodwork on them and he said that in all cases high doses of a short ester like test P shut you down faster and it took the body longer time to recover after the cycle then if used CYP.
100mg EOD Test Prop, 100mg EOD Tren Ace, 100mg ED NPP. I don't believe it's practical to use long esters because you want to get blood levels up high and steady ASAP then have them clear your system on the day after the cycle is over.

hey bro..what is NPP??

also in my country..roids are not easilly available..specially not tren. i have a prohormone called dymethazine (similar to superdrol)..would a short cycle of just test-p and dymeth be ok? i know it wont compare to the short cycles you guys are talking about...but it'd still be an OK short cycle right?

how would you add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) into this mix? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections (2x weekly) for duration of cycle and then PCT for 4 weeks...and start another short cycle? have i got it right?
so this was 4 years ago... today if you post a thread like this the only reply is "you would have to be stupid as fuck to try this"
i dont get it