SHORT CYCLES good gains-less sides

"D-bol really is an unreal roid and as I said it is even better than test in the short run IMHO. One can get very nice results from d-bol alone at 50mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Don't take it for longer than 6 weeks though as it is a 17aa roid and as such is somewhat hard on the liver. "

I have always had this article in the back of my head and often thoguht about johhnyb's response to it so i thought id ressurect the thread.

Has anyone ever done such a cycle? (I have a couple friends who swear by the dbol only cycles but there normally branded idiots) How did it compair with your longer 10 wk test cycles, etc?
Had to bump this up for an answer to my question. I am one of the few that don't like ED injections. I have tren and like it with prop. Can I do 4 weekers and get the same results by going EOD? I just hate pinning myself ED!
Sounds pretty costly with all of the post cycle therapy (pct) you would have to do to me. I can only speak for myself I shutdown in about 2 weeks and when it happens it is no joke. Once I am shutdown I am shutdown. Gain 15 lbs or so and keep about 8 of it is my average. If I keep training hard I keep most of the muscle. Of course you lose some weight because of losing bloat, but most of my strength gains hold. I also do not like to stack more than 2 compounds. I am not the expert on this yet.
JohnnyB said:
I respect RG, this is an old article and it hasn't caught on with the vets in our community, that might be saying something. I know there's a new push for the idea of short cycles, but as you can see this was posted here over 2 years ago and it was written before that I'm sure. Why aren't Bros that have been around for a long time the ones pushing this?

If this work as well as the theory reads, do you think you would just be hearing about it now? People would be promoting it on all the boards, it would be as common as long cycle 20 weeks or more. Which you hear of some people staying on year round, think about, have you heard of people doing these short cycle as much as the year rounders?

I've given you some question that you need to answer for yourself, look at the time frame between the last post and the one done Sunday. There's almost a year and a half difference. You guys know how we are, if something works we start spreading the news. There's been more talk about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for recovery, during, between or after a cycle, then this idea of short cycles. You see what I'm getting at, when we find something that work, we jump on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich :druggie:


This is what I have been doing since day one I have never gone over 10 weeks.
I have been on the boards five years then again I'm just trying to look good for myself and my wife.
Greetings everyone. I am new to this site but am very interested in short cycles. I have not used any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet but am planning for my first cycle during Fall of 2009. I first heard of short cycles at ANABOLICEXTREME but I was unable to find any other websites at the time who recommended them so I gave up and decided I'd just do a typical 10 weeker of Test E at 500mg/week. Then I found an article posted by RealGains on another forum that led me to this post. I am not looking to get mostrously large. I am 6' even and my goal is to get up to around 220 lean. When I start cycling In fall I should be around 190 lean. I really like the short cycles because I want to limit the amount of time I am on as well as the side effects that one can get on longer cycles. Plus, I like staying relatively lean year round.

After combing some of the different information I have gathered I was thinking for my first ever cycle I'd try 3 weeks and maybe bump it up to 4 if its going really well. I was going to try a tren/dbol combo at:

Tren Ace: 100mg eod
Dbol: 30mg/day

I've got a few questions I was hoping someone here could help me out with though. I know some people recommend running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (letro) during the cycle and others don't seem to run one. Just curious if there has been any new info on whether to run one or not. I know this thread is old so maybe more info in available now.

For PCT, I was going to use Nolva. I will use 80mg for the first day, then 40mg/ed for the first week and 20mg/ed for the next two weeks. If I decided to bump it up to a 4 week cycle I'd then run nolva for 4 weeks instead of 3.

After I've done this cycle, which in total would be 6 weeks including PCT. How long should I wait to go back on another cycle? Should I wait for as much time as I was on including PCT, so 6 weeks off, or can I get back on earlier?

Personally I don't want to run to many of these a year. Probably on 4-5. Which means I will be off a lot. How do you think that will affect my overall gains for the year?

Thanks for reading guys. Looking forward to your responses. If you have any questions for me just ask.
Greetings everyone. I am new to this site but am very interested in short cycles. I have not used any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) yet but am planning for my first cycle during Fall of 2009. I first heard of short cycles at ANABOLICEXTREME but I was unable to find any other websites at the time who recommended them so I gave up and decided I'd just do a typical 10 weeker of Test E at 500mg/week. Then I found an article posted by RealGains on another forum that led me to this post. I am not looking to get mostrously large. I am 6' even and my goal is to get up to around 220 lean. When I start cycling In fall I should be around 190 lean. I really like the short cycles because I want to limit the amount of time I am on as well as the side effects that one can get on longer cycles. Plus, I like staying relatively lean year round.

After combing some of the different information I have gathered I was thinking for my first ever cycle I'd try 3 weeks and maybe bump it up to 4 if its going really well. I was going to try a tren/dbol combo at:

Tren Ace: 100mg eod
Dbol: 30mg/day

I've got a few questions I was hoping someone here could help me out with though. I know some people recommend running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (letro) during the cycle and others don't seem to run one. Just curious if there has been any new info on whether to run one or not. I know this thread is old so maybe more info in available now.

For PCT, I was going to use Nolva. I will use 80mg for the first day, then 40mg/ed for the first week and 20mg/ed for the next two weeks. If I decided to bump it up to a 4 week cycle I'd then run nolva for 4 weeks instead of 3.

After I've done this cycle, which in total would be 6 weeks including PCT. How long should I wait to go back on another cycle? Should I wait for as much time as I was on including PCT, so 6 weeks off, or can I get back on earlier?

Personally I don't want to run to many of these a year. Probably on 4-5. Which means I will be off a lot. How do you think that will affect my overall gains for the year?

Thanks for reading guys. Looking forward to your responses. If you have any questions for me just ask.

Please start a new thread the Anabolic forum.
Finally read this thread after 3 yrs. How come one person hasn't backed this up and said hell yeah my 4 week cycle was incredible. If their so effective whichi dont buy than someone would have chimed in and said something.
Finally read this thread after 3 yrs. How come one person hasn't backed this up and said hell yeah my 4 week cycle was incredible. If their so effective whichi dont buy than someone would have chimed in and said something.

Since the day i registered her, i'm trying shorts cycles.
what i've noticed is my rest period between my cycle becomes shorter, and my post cycle therapy (pct) too.

thus that's my third cycle into 6 month.

with some 5 weeks's cycles; and I prefer, I have really the impression that the sides-effects are less obvious.

But I start to be limited in profit in any event, and I will consider in a few months, a cycle of cutting and will stop one time i'm striated.

I already said than I wanted to stop cycles once for all.

that appears a means as good to stop, and not undergoing of lack.
This is what I have been doing since day one I have never gone over 10 weeks.
I have been on the boards five years then again I'm just trying to look good for myself and my wife.


I liked your target which i have the same one. Can you tell me what is your cycle and what is the side effect especially from husban and wife point of view.

Some ppl said i will be shut after the cycle ? is it?
Finally read this thread after 3 yrs. How come one person hasn't backed this up and said hell yeah my 4 week cycle was incredible. If their so effective whichi dont buy than someone would have chimed in and said something.

like RG mentioned you are not goi g to get freakishly big. Instead of gaining alot in 20 weeks and loosing alot in 20weeks. Your gaining a little in 4 and loosing a little in 4, and then in 4 weeks your back to gaining again. As opposed to 4 or more months.
glad this was pulled from the arkives. great read! After this next cycle I am going to try this aproach. I am big enough but I want to keep up with the younglings and stay hard.
Hogman why wait for the next cycle? I think that's what everyone else said on this. That is probablly why no one has posted their success stories. They all have waited for their next cycle, and 20 plus weeks later they forgot about this one haha...
Hogman why wait for the next cycle? I think that's what everyone else said on this. That is probablly why no one has posted their success stories. They all have waited for their next cycle, and 20 plus weeks later they forgot about this one haha...

I have my cycle all put together and I am mentialy prepaired to run for 12 weeks. I am running long esters for my base compound. If I am going to go this rout I want to put the cycle together with the right gear.
Can anyone tell me the proper dosage of Test for a short cycle? Normally, people do 500mg/ml a week and I saw where it said to run it at 75-200mg a day. Is that the proper dosage? Thanks.
I'm pretty skeptical of this since I have yet to really see any decently-sized guys advocating it. As Johnny mentioned, it would be a lot more popular if it was meeting all the expectations.
Anyone have links to logs of people actually applying it (over the course of say a year)? Would be interested in seeing just how "not so big" this can get someone but can't seem to find anyone actually doing it more than a couple times as an experiment (though that may be a clue).