Should i do my cycle? ( oral epi )


New member
So , i've been on this site for some days , some people told me that i could do that cycle and that normaly i won't have bad side effects/liver problems , and some others tell me not to do it or to use Test pin only.

The cycle : Oral epi for 6 weeks 30/45/45/45/45/45 + DHEA ( Dermacrine , for test base ) , + NAC + Hawthorn berry + Milk thirstle .
Week 6-10 PCT : Nolva 20/20/10/10 + Test booster ( D-pol ( DAA) ) + Sup3r PCT.

I'm 21 , been training for 5 years , no health problems , or not known , just maybe some BP problems sometimes ( i can feel my heart beats everywhere on my body , but the cardiologist told me i was 120/70 on a 24h time ).

Thanks guys for your opinion , i think most of you will tell me not to do it , and i don't think i'll do it finaly , but i've bought all those products, *****************
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Don't run an oral only cycle if you are a male. It will shut down your testosterone (while not replacing it) and mess up your liver. You need both of those things.

And you are too young. Your brain/endocrine system are not fully developed yet. You don't want to mess up your HPTA. You can get plenty of natural gains at your age if your train, eat and sleep right.
Should i keep running Formeron / Dermacrine as supplements? i also like PES Erase pro and PES anabeta

Considering you can buy them on Amazon I doubt they do a whole lot. Probably a waste of money. Why don't you spend your money on high quality food instead?
Considering you can buy them on Amazon I doubt they do a whole lot. Probably a waste of money. Why don't you spend your money on high quality food instead?

Well i already eat high quality food.
Formeron is a mild PH , and Derma is DHEA , so it can be usefull for me maybe , i'm in a better mood since i use those derma/form products.
tell us why exactly do you want to do an oral ph cycle so bad instead of a regular test cycle?

fear of needles?
convenience (u already have the ph in hands and its a lot easier to pop pills than to inject?

or another reason?
tell us why exactly do you want to do an oral ph cycle so bad instead of a regular test cycle?

fear of needles?
convenience (u already have the ph in hands and its a lot easier to pop pills than to inject?

or another reason?

Not fear of needles , but yes convenience , and easier to use/hide from my family/friends.

And for the needles , i'm quite scared of touching a bad spot in my body , and getting hurt/infections.
man how many threads are you gonna make on this? you got your answer already. ph's are dumb. test cycles are great. either way you are clearly too young, and/or immature to forgo a cycle. stop rushing and read up more and do a real cycle when you're actually ready.
man how many threads are you gonna make on this? you got your answer already. ph's are dumb. test cycles are great. either way you are clearly too young, and/or immature to forgo a cycle. stop rushing and read up more and do a real cycle when you're actually ready.

Fair warning, this dude shut himself down. Are test cycles really so great? Test cycles can also shut you down.

So to OP, look into SARMs. They're a respectable alternative to AAS.
Fair warning, this dude shut himself down. Are test cycles really so great? Test cycles can also shut you down.

So to OP, look into SARMs. They're a respectable alternative to AAS.

Yea...except sarms can also shut you down :)

Don't make comments that sound like SARMS have the benefits of AAS without the sides, because they dont.
Fair warning, this dude shut himself down. Are test cycles really so great? Test cycles can also shut you down.

So to OP, look into SARMs. They're a respectable alternative to AAS.

first off, sarms can most certainly shut you down. i was 2/3 supressed after 8 weeks on osta only and gains were ok at best. if you can think of a better first cycle than test only you let me know. You'll blow up, feel great, and recover fine if you do it right (unlike me). theres a reason people say test is king. all steroids shut you down, but at least test replaces the hormones that you're shutting down so you keep your sex drive, energy, etc...
I never said SARMs won't shut you down. You guys are completely right though, they will shut you down somewhat, and I should have said that. They just won't shut you down as much as AAS. OP, I am on my first cycle and I chose to do an ostarine cycle. I have a log in this subforum.
Not sure why people hate on PHs so much.
Yes, I know they suppress test, but guess what - taking test shuts your nuts down too and from all I read - arguably a lot harder.
So how can people recommend running 12 weeks of test over 6 weeks of a PH to someone new? Makes 0 sense to me.

Of course, my screen name is noob for a reason.
Not sure why people hate on PHs so much.
Yes, I know they suppress test, but guess what - taking test shuts your nuts down too and from all I read - arguably a lot harder.
So how can people recommend running 12 weeks of test over 6 weeks of a PH to someone new? Makes 0 sense to me.

Of course, my screen name is noob for a reason.

My thoughts exactly. I've argued before that PHs and SARMs are a nice gateway into AAS.
well when you take a prohormone you are taking something that it lover toxic. also yes, test shut's you down but it also replaces the shutdown test keeping your body functioning properly. taking a ph is shutting you down without replacing your test which is unhealthy. also ph's are lame. sarms dont even compare to aas and sarms supress you. for the supression and possible sexual issues, its just not worth the minimal gains. Once you feel the feeling of being on test and lifting on test, you'll understand why it is so much better and more worth the trouble than messing with ph's and sarms. I started with sarms back when they were really new and were considered completely non supressive. gained 5lbs, felt like crap on them due to supression, and took forever to recover. did test for the first time, gained 15lbs, insane strength, felt amazing the whole time, and had minimal side effects. also didnt damage my liver. sorry for the long post lol