Should I stack Winstrol with Tren Acetate??


New member
I'm currently on winni, my first injectable and cleny. I want to get faster better results, so should I stack it with Trenbolone acetate?? 258 6':evil:
something called "tren dick" which means charlie stops working for a few weeks. To avoid that you use a test base. Also I was told you use 1.5times amount of test than you do tren, if you use 400mg tren then 600mg test
Yes there is also a deca dick. Your cycle does not seem correct in structure to be honest with you. Are you running winstrol on your own as the only steroid? You say you are running Winstrol (winny) and clen so I presume you want to lose fat right, why dont you use another fat burner instead of Winstrol (winny). I have always been told never do an oral only cycle and even though ur winstrol is injectable it is still an oral drug. Post up your exact cycle that you are on now and I will help you make adjusdments. You should not be thinking about doing tren on its own. You will experience a lot more sides simply because the test is not inside your system to help stabilize your hormones. Tren is a very popular steroid but not one to be used lightly, have you taken it beofre?
:help:Never taken any ijctbl but my current winsrtrol, and i did a six week cycle of dbol last month.
Now I use 1 1/2 cc winstrol EOD
Start my 2nd week on, Cleny
Beginnig of next month I start my dbol
Workout daily except for a couple days out the wk. Now I'm down to 257lbs still gaining strenghth, and mass. SHOULD I STACK IT WITH PROMASTREN?
So how long have you been on the winstrol so far? Your cycle is totally messed up, no foundation or anything to it. It isnt even based on a science structure of how steroids work. I would say to drop this cycle immediately, start your pct, give yourself 2 months to recover in which time you plan your REAL cutting cycle, your cycle is bogus, you may get some results but I personally would never run anything like you are doing.

6 week dbol only is also a newbie mistake
Dam! i'm on my 8th shot of winni. I've dropped a lot of fat plus adde much muscle in just a few months. SO what you're sayin is to drop it for a few weeks then what?
8th shot of Winstrol (winny)? How many weeks into your cycle is it and how long was your cycle supposed to last? If your doing a short 6 week cycle or something then I would say finish it, let your body recover and when you do your next cycle look at something like test 500mg per week and clen and t3. If your experienced user then you could add tren into that for one very powerful cutting cycle
this is horrible. i dont know where to start.

your winni, d bol, clen, pro-hormone combo is horrible dude.

you need to spend a little bit of time and research what you are putting into your body before you jump the gun. Do you know what post cycle therapy (pct) is ?

Also you say you want to drop some weight/ fat. d bol will not help in that category whatsoever. you need to mainly watch your diet and do cardio. IMO. Juice will help but you have to know what your doing in order to see desirable results.

adding more hormones to the mix isnt necessarily gonna help..

finish up your winni and keep using clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

NO TREN. Especially without test.
Im a newbie at this and i was thinking about stacking winstrol and tren a ... im not sure what i should do for pct ... ive looked around and many people say different things.. i was wondering if any one could help me out with this ?? am i doing this right ? i also want my dick to work during and after the cycle. im also prone to gyno.

6 week cycle.
Tren a 100mg eod inj
winstrol 50mg/day oral
nolvadex 20mg/day through cycle and pct
proviron 50 mg/day during pct
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Im a newbie at this and i was think about stacking winstrol and tren a ... im not sure what i should do for pct ... ive looked around and many people say different things.. i was wondering if any one could help me out with this ?? am i doing this right ? i also want my dick to work during and after the cycle. im also prone to gyno.

6 week cycle.
Tren a 100mg eod inj
winstrol 50mg/day oral
nolvadex 20mg/day through cycle and pct
proviron 50 mg/day
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Its almost like Instead of you guys helping this poor kid whos obviously a little confused u guys are bashing the shit out of him... this is a major discouragement for new people who want to come to the forum and get help!! Is that was this forums all about? or is it to help because thats why I recently joined as well..
Its almost like Instead of you guys helping this poor kid whos obviously a little confused u guys are bashing the shit out of him... this is a major discouragement for new people who want to come to the forum and get help!! Is that was this forums all about? or is it to help because thats why I recently joined as well..

I answered his questions in his own thread.
Its almost like Instead of you guys helping this poor kid whos obviously a little confused u guys are bashing the shit out of him... this is a major discouragement for new people who want to come to the forum and get help!! Is that was this forums all about? or is it to help because thats why I recently joined as well..

because this contributes to the thread......right?
Iv heard dont do tren without a test base in the cycle
This is my 2nd week usein winstrol,trenbolone injectable.
1cc of winni,1cc of tren on monday,wednesday,friday and stayin off
on the weekend. im tryin to build lean muscle and gettin cut is this the right stuff and way?
lol for one this thread was started over a year ago and obviously you didn't even read any of the posts.

If you did you would know to use Test for a base and you don't give any previous cycle info or your'e stats and or goals.

How many cycle have you done before deciding to use Tren, how old are you, how much do you weigh?