Should I start Caber right away?... what to look for in terms of Prolactin sides?


New member
Currently week 2 of...

Week 1 to 20, 150mg Test C, EOD
Week 1 to 20, 150mg NPP, EOD
Week 1 to 6, 40mg Tbol ED
Week 14 to 20, 80mg Var ED
Week 1 to 20, Arimidex 0.5mg EOD
Week 1 to 20 300 i.u HCG EOD

Back to TRT dose (100mg Test E a week)

I have caber on hand, but have been told if I keep my E in check, I will not need caber... is this true?... I heard caber has some bad sides, so I only want to use it if I have too, what prolactin symptoms should I look for?
Currently week 2 of...

Week 1 to 20, 150mg Test C, EOD
Week 1 to 20, 150mg NPP, EOD
Week 1 to 6, 40mg Tbol ED
Week 14 to 20, 80mg Var ED
Week 1 to 20, Arimidex 0.5mg EOD
Week 1 to 20 300 i.u HCG EOD

Back to TRT dose (100mg Test E a week)

I have caber on hand, but have been told if I keep my E in check, I will not need caber... is this true?... I heard caber has some bad sides, so I only want to use it if I have too, what prolactin symptoms should I look for?

The first thing you would notice would be (assuming estradiol symptoms aren't as noticed) erection quality lowering. You'll still want sex, you'll still have that drive to bang ass like a drum; but when you get things going, it's going to seem like you're only at 3/4 attention.

Sex starts to feel almost boring, or work as it simply begins to take longer and longer to climax. Eventually, you'll lose the ability to keep an erection for very long, and ejaculation becomes just a fond memory that you REALLY want to get back to doing. You still want to have sex, you can still (maybe) get hard, but it's gone not much after it gets up.

If you continue down this path, and you have any mammary tissues, leaking nipples come next. You can become irritated and it's harder to enjoy things in life that would normally make you happy. I've yet to see anyone get past this point, but hyperprolactinameia often leads to a depression as dopamine becomes scarce.

In my experience, you'll notice high estradiol symptoms long before you get to the point of serious boner problems - which makes sense as estradiol is the fastest way to bring prolactin up.

I don't recommend using caber off the bat as it is habit forming due to how dopamine is one of the happy hormones, which caber stimulates the release of to drive down prolactin. Yes, estradiol control is the first and best line of defense. ;)

FWIW, I've done probably close to ten cycles with tren, and only had prolactin problems ONCE. That's all it took for me to learn very quickly to keep that pesky estradiol under control, and I'm very thankful I had prami in the fridge. Oddly, my estradiol was in the 200's, but prolactin was TRIPLE over the top end of the range. I'm not super sensitive to estradiol sides that can be seen (other than bloat), but that PRL packs a wallop!

My .02c :)
FWIW, I always personally use caber when running a 19-nor. I have never experienced DAWS regardless of how long I ran caber for. There are risks to using DA's but I think most of the research is on unhealthy people with issues (i.e. Parkinson's).

One other thing I will caution you on is be careful if using cialis or Viagra. As Halfwit pointed out, the penis is often a "canary in th coalmine" and those drugs can mask the symptoms. I am not saying don't use them -- just saying be careful and aware of this.
FWIW, I always personally use caber when running a 19-nor. I have never experienced DAWS regardless of how long I ran caber for. There are risks to using DA's but I think most of the research is on unhealthy people with issues (i.e. Parkinson's).

One other thing I will caution you on is be careful if using cialis or Viagra. As Halfwit pointed out, the penis is often a "canary in th coalmine" and those drugs can mask the symptoms. I am not saying don't use them -- just saying be careful and aware of this.
What is DAWS?
The first thing you would notice would be (assuming estradiol symptoms aren't as noticed) erection quality lowering. You'll still want sex, you'll still have that drive to bang ass like a drum; but when you get things going, it's going to seem like you're only at 3/4 attention.

Sex starts to feel almost boring, or work as it simply begins to take longer and longer to climax. Eventually, you'll lose the ability to keep an erection for very long, and ejaculation becomes just a fond memory that you REALLY want to get back to doing. You still want to have sex, you can still (maybe) get hard, but it's gone not much after it gets up.

If you continue down this path, and you have any mammary tissues, leaking nipples come next. You can become irritated and it's harder to enjoy things in life that would normally make you happy. I've yet to see anyone get past this point, but hyperprolactinameia often leads to a depression as dopamine becomes scarce.

In my experience, you'll notice high estradiol symptoms long before you get to the point of serious boner problems - which makes sense as estradiol is the fastest way to bring prolactin up.

I don't recommend using caber off the bat as it is habit forming due to how dopamine is one of the happy hormones, which caber stimulates the release of to drive down prolactin. Yes, estradiol control is the first and best line of defense. ;)

FWIW, I've done probably close to ten cycles with tren, and only had prolactin problems ONCE. That's all it took for me to learn very quickly to keep that pesky estradiol under control, and I'm very thankful I had prami in the fridge. Oddly, my estradiol was in the 200's, but prolactin was TRIPLE over the top end of the range. I'm not super sensitive to estradiol sides that can be seen (other than bloat), but that PRL packs a wallop!

My .02c :)

So if I'm getting rock hard boners in the morning ... All is well in the prolactin department?
So if I'm getting rock hard boners in the morning ... All is well in the prolactin department?

I don't think Halfwit is going to be able to know for certain without a physical examination.

In all seriousness, a better gauge would be how they are holding up during intercourse with your girlfriend and/or boyfriend. Are you sexually active?

How old are you by the way?
The point is that there are side effect with caber, I have never used and I run similar cycles to yours and I am fine
I don't think Halfwit is going to be able to know for certain without a physical examination.

In all seriousness, a better gauge would be how they are holding up during intercourse with your girlfriend and/or boyfriend. Are you sexually active?

How old are you by the way?

Sex is on point, erections are at 100% throughout.... I'm 39, but my girlfriend is a fit 22... So I'm not sure this is an accurate gauge either, as she could make a WW2 veteran hard :)

Seriously though, I'm only 10 days into the cycle, if I were to experience soft erections, how far into the cycle would that be?
Sex is on point, erections are at 100% throughout.... I'm 39, but my girlfriend is a fit 22... So I'm not sure this is an accurate gauge either, as she could make a WW2 veteran hard :)

Seriously though, I'm only 10 days into the cycle, if I were to experience soft erections, how far into the cycle would that be?

Could happen at any point.
Sex is on point, erections are at 100% throughout.... I'm 39, but my girlfriend is a fit 22... So I'm not sure this is an accurate gauge either, as she could make a WW2 veteran hard :)

Seriously though, I'm only 10 days into the cycle, if I were to experience soft erections, how far into the cycle would that be?

Rock hard = gtg. Just keep up with the estradiol, and you *should* be fine. I do strongly recommend at least having the dopamine agonist on hand though.

Edit: While I'm not really up to gauging erection strength, I'm all for testing female effects on maintaining erection strength. :wiggle:
Have any of your guys seen blood work with elevated prolactin levels?

19-nors and prolactin sides seems to one of the areas of steroid use that has lots of opinions, I'm currently running with the idea that if you keep estro in check then prolactin shouldnt be an issue.... but I still take .25 mg of caber per week on tren or deca cycles just in case.
Have any of your guys seen blood work with elevated prolactin levels?

19-nors and prolactin sides seems to one of the areas of steroid use that has lots of opinions, I'm currently running with the idea that if you keep estro in check then prolactin shouldnt be an issue.... but I still take .25 mg of caber per week on tren or deca cycles just in case.

I go pretty in depth in the thread started by darkwing86. Estradiol management SHOULD be enough, but I absolutely assure you that prolactin is involved.

Yes, I have seen first hand the results of high prolactin and pulled labs at the same time.