should i stop my ai ?


New member
Hey guys , quick question , new years day i was a bit hung over and my senses were a bit blurred but i could have swore my nips were very sensative and even hurt and were red . Sometimes i get something like that from wearing a rough dress shirt but i dont know if i placebo'd myself so i took .5 adex that day . only 3 shots in / shot 4 tomorrow (week 2 ) 500mg a week of test e . U guys think i should stop my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for a day or 2 and see if i was just sketching and if it happens again ? Or is this a bad idea , if it happens again i will stay on for sure . thx guys , also im doing this because im not sure of my gear yet 100% and its my first cycle
I rec a low dosed Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on any cycle over Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) amounts. and if estrogen issues arise like gyno then upping the AI.
also it dosen't happen over night for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and lowering estrogen.

personally i think you should have started lowdose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at start of cycle and think staying with it is a good idea.
its NOT all about gyno there is high blood pressure and other sides that can come with high estrogen. just my op

maybe 0.25 adex eod for now and if issues come bump it to ed or 0.5 eod and give it atleast a week or 2 before raising it again (if needed, if not leave it)
Well not to bust your balls but you shouldn't have been drinking haha. Anyways though if your not past your first week Id probable say you were a little hung over and I doubt you have gyno. Just relax and take it slow. You won't grow tits overnight. If you have enough adex just run it through cycle to be safe and stop before pct. Its not a bad idea to run low dose of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle anyways.
ok , i just took todays dose at .25 today , i was goign to try and see if i was just placebo'd into thinking this cuz im stiill a little unsure of my gear and havent seen any sides yet , im not as worried about gyno right now , more trying to figure if im getting slight estro sides and the stuff is legit . or if i fooled myself , but i guess ill try and figure it out another way instead of playing with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) incase .
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