should i try ostra rx with previous gyno problems?


New member
Hey guys im looking to try ostra rx for the first time, however on a previous cycle of super dmz i got minor gyno, i was wondering if by using ostra rx it would make my gyno worse?
Ostarine has been shown to slightly raise e2 levels. I've never heard of a case od osta causing gyno, even for people who are prone to it.

What are your stats?
training experience
past cycles

I recommend you read up on sarms before you jump on them. Do you have a pct planned?

also. Make sure you use a good source for your osta. Sarmssearch has the best quality around. Don't go for the cheaper options because it will lead to disappointment. sarmssearch is having a 30% off sale on all their products. Use the discount code SIZZLE30 at checkout.
I have ordered my IronMagLabs OSTA Rx and plan to start next week.

Should i plan a PCT? Many forums have said that the product doesnt need a PCT, if i do how long would i run it for?