Should I use Anadrol as a complete beginner?


New member
I am 19 years old and I want to bulk up this summer, nothing seriously big I just want a defined chest and toned body. I am willing to put the work in and have read about Anadrol and how it can bulk you up within 8 weeks.

But I have read that anadrol should be used alongside other steroids. I am only doing this as a short term boost before I start working out and I don't plan to use steroids in the long term. I have read about the need to use SERMs and PCT after the cycle but I still have a very shaky understanding of the whole process.

Basically, I want to gain a good amount of muscle mass (nothing bodybuilder-like) while lifting before the end of the summer. I don't want to use steroids in the long term which is why I don't want to start mixing different drugs together and gain more muscle than I intend or mess up my liver.

TLDR: I want to know what the best steroid plan is for a beginner that wants to quickly gain some muscle which won't take more than 2-3 months.

I am 19, 5'10.5" and 170lbs.

Thank you :)
first off your too young at 19 to do any gear. second anadrol will not bulk you up. you need to eat. focus on diet and training and you will yield way better natural gains.
i strongly second this
first off your too young at 19 to do any gear. second anadrol will not bulk you up. you need to eat. focus on diet and training and you will yield way better natural gains.
and I third the motion, young son needs to focus on diet first, at your current stats you need to eat more period before anything. diet, training and eat the shit out of your fridge and youll be a beast ua natural.
your too young son, wait till your older.

oh and fyi yes anadrol will inflate you alright, but it will all be water weight and oral only cycles are not for men. and your not even a man yet at 19. wait till your balls drop at age 26 then consider getting into this.

because once you cross the line, aint no coming back....
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Too much is not right here. Your idea of steroids is off a little. At your age you can do better with diet and workout than most people can do using steroids. You're in the magic years. When I was your age I weighed 175-185 @ 5' 10" and benched around 350 completely natural. I did this eating and lifting.......and trust me I was still learning to do those 2 things. Had I known then what I know now I could've looked however I wanted. Just eat and lift young bro. Not worth the gamble with your hormones.

And about the "nothing body builder like" comment.......don't worry about getting too big and muscular bro, it ain't gonna happen over night and it's unlikely to happen at all without great genetics. All the steroids on the planet won't put you on the Olympia stage without a base to build on and great genetics.
AND.........WHAT THE HELL DO MEAN A SHORT TERM BOOST BEFORE WORKING OUT?!?!?!?!?! You just wanna eat tabs and get huge before you start working out?!? Nothing about this post right. You have a lot of reading to do. Read up and diet and exercise and get to work. You can get plenty big without ruining your hormones for life.

Sorry for my rant bro.......I'm just taken back by how far off you are in this whole post. It screams troll but in case not..........STAY AWAY FOR HORMONES BRO!!
I have to agree with the above posts.

The Most Important Information, you seem to be Lacking.
And that is, that your Natural Testosterone is Peaking until the Age of 25.
So doing any AAS at 19, will Short Circuit your Natural Production.

What you need to do now, is get a Good Diet and Training Protocol.
And you'll be able to Grow................................... JP
Anadrol would be a Terrible Choice for an Oral Only Cycle, especially with No Prior Experience.
You would get Bloated, and have Blood Pressure Spikes.
And 1 last thing about Anadrol, while it Doesn't Aromatise, or Convert to Estrogen.
It still exhibits Estrogenic Side Effects, so along with the Bloating and BP Spikes.
Gynocomastia has been reported.
There is NO magic pills or shots, even with aas it will take years to put on decent, noticable , lasting (with diet) muscle. water sure you can pop on 20lb... and anadrol canbe VERY nasty, i got a bunch of it and wont even touch th stuff, and if did it would be with test. AND MOST IMPORTANT: age, too young and you will likely cause yourself longterm issues
Hope you have had time to think it through and realize that gear is not for the youth.