should winny hurt?


New member
first stuff i used didnt hurt but the new stuff i got damn! my quads,delts are killing me,and i keep crampin up,any ideas?
Winnt being a water based steroid allows for the stanozolol to released very fast which can cause soreness. Also, stanozolol is know to pull the water out of muscles, which gives you the harder apperance, but can cause muscle to cramp.

Drink lots of water and supplement with potassium!
im doing25mg ed should i cut it to eod,also on fina 50mg ed ,prop 25 mg ed let me know what ya think
They are some moderate doses. No! dont take the Winstrol (winny) EOD. Just up your water intake and supp with potassium and Vit C
proline winny,this is my 2nd cycle so keepin it a little light,even with this being light i have 15 lbs on 4 weeks in and im hungry as a mofo,even after I eat im starvin!
And if injections are getting to be too much, drink 12.5mg twice a day. This will keep blood levels very constant
buylongterm said:
I've been injecting Winstrol (winny) (from upjohn) and never ever once have I had any soreness. I inject 50mg ed.

That's because Upjohn has the microfilter process down to a real science and there is little to no "crystallization", great stuff. proline is UG and though have heard good things, hard to tell what exact ratios are. You could stretch to EOD as injectable Winstrol (winny) has half-life ~24 hours, just need to make sure you time your shots pretty consistently to keep levels even. Or, as LS says, drink it down and throw some weight around.
'tensity said:
That's because Upjohn has the microfilter process down to a real science and there is little to no "crystallization", great stuff. proline is UG and though have heard good things, hard to tell what exact ratios are. You could stretch to EOD as injectable Winstrol (winny) has half-life ~24 hours, just need to make sure you time your shots pretty consistently to keep levels even. Or, as LS says, drink it down and throw some weight around.

The halflife of stanz is the same regardless of the administration.