Shoulder injection gone wrong?


New member
Guys I injected 250 mg test E 4 days ago today, it hurt immediately and has been sore but today it is killing me. There is a big knot in my arm, it hurts to move it above my head really bad and just hurts over all really, and it's also red in the area like there's a fever or something... Someone please shed some light.. Is this serious, should I do anything, and if it's not serious what can I do to get the swelling down because this shit hurts.
How long of a needle?

Cycle experience?

Did you swab BOTH the site AND the vial top with new sterile alcohol swabs?

Do you see any strange veins cropping up from the site? Usually small, dark red, and branching out like a spider web?

Odds are you didn't inject deep enough, and oil is trapped in the subcutaneous layer, which will become painful to the touch. If you're rubbing it, or trying to apply heat/cold to it, that can make it WORSE.

However, if you develop some of the symptoms above, or it doesn't subside in another 4 days, I'd go to the urgent care for that nasty b12 shot you took. ;)
Yes on swabs, no veins, first time injecting into shoulders, 23G needle stuck in as far as it would go, this shit seriously hurts guys I'm not just whining.. Is this normal at all for first shoulder injection ever? It'll be sticking my ass from now on.
Yes on swabs, no veins, first time injecting into shoulders, 23G needle stuck in as far as it would go, this shit seriously hurts guys I'm not just whining.. Is this normal at all for first shoulder injection ever? It'll be sticking my ass from now on.

Noo, you need to rotate. It hurts because it's virgin muscle, and even if you bury a 1" needle - if you go at a slight angle, you'll miss the muscle belly.

Quads are where I'd try next. If the pain is unbearable, take Ibuprofen to help reduce the inflammation. :)
So I'm not going to lose my arm then.. Lol... Man this shit seriously is swollen like a baseball like wtf it's never done this to my ass before..
Virgin Muscle like HW said. Try icing it. Watch for signs of infection just in case. Don't pin there again until it is 100% healed.
The other vets are helping here so I'll be short on this. I like Delts also and I started them just a few years ago and From my first one it hasn't been a problem. Sometimes some compounds burn a little and sometime a very little soreness but nothing bad.

I got a anti-inflammation injection in my Delt at the doctors and it was just a very little bit sore and I still injected some test with a 23G x 1" No problem even in virgin. I pay no attention the Virgin theory.
I had nasty infection develope in my leg about a week ago so I went to see the dr and told them I musta got bit or something, so they gave me some antibiotics and a couple days later the pain, redness and swelling started subsiding. If your worried just go see dr, dont risk something turning serious.
The other vets are helping here so I'll be short on this. I like Delts also and I started them just a few years ago and From my first one it hasn't been a problem. Sometimes some compounds burn a little and sometime a very little soreness but nothing bad.

I got a anti-inflammation injection in my Delt at the doctors and it was just a very little bit sore and I still injected some test with a 23G x 1" No problem even in virgin. I pay no attention the Virgin theory.

delts and glutes are the best most painless spots for me. but i do remember many years ago when i first started it hurt at first.
If you think that hurts try suspension in the bi's, lol. Your good bro as long as the swelling starts to disappate and not get worse day by day. Cold packs works wonders for me.
Yes there is redness, it's swollen and my whole damned biceps looks bruised like I got punched and there's a big ass knot
This could be an infection? OP you should know it this thing is getting real hot to the touch, not a little a lot. If so go to a doctor very soon if you even think this is infected.

HOWEVER I told you I did some severely overdosed Test 400 blend in my glute a few years back and it felt infected but not. It spread over a large area and made my shin weird. Couldn't work out for two days and it dissipated and left.
Most the time buddy it does just that. Heals itself. If it gets worse then that means the infections getting worse and you prolly need medical attention . I get heat pumps all the time