Shoulder injury - hyaluronate injection ??

Focus on one thing from what I say: you need to heal!

You truly do not know what is going on. It could be muscle, tendon, ligament or joint surface area specific but you don't know. My suggestion is that you figure out what is going on with a very good doctor and an MRI, if you are truly that worried about it.

Next, a "good" doctor would never give you a cortisone shot. Cortisol will shut down healing in the joint and you can damage it further as you start feeling better and adding more weight but the underlying problem is still there. Never get a cortisone shot! Additonally, Hylauronic Acid will not help you with any condition involving healing. HA is meant to reduce pain, not heal and any research indicating it does is weak and does not involve chronic conditions.

By recovering from mutiple joint injuries over the last many years, I have researched and done a number of different joint injections designed to heal the body (and not mask pain) with tremendous success. However I would not suggest anything to you until you know what is going on.
you need to know what the problem is before you can really treat it specifically. I wouldn't rule out a nerve getting pinched, that can cause weakness.