I'm exactly two weeks into my tren a and test p and dbol cycle and I'm not having any of the side that everyone says that comes with tren. Is it just taking longer to kick in or what lol
1mg of adex every 3 days! Unless you weight 300lbs and have 50% body fat %, you are taking way too much. You are going to regret that.
I wouldn't judge tren on side effects
Just cause u are suffering little to no sides u might be a lucky one to not suffer to many sides from tren
Honestly myself I don't suffer to.many sides with tren other then the aggressive edge it offers but I love that feeling lol
Myself I sleep better on tren and don't suffer from night sweats like others do. I do however sweat a lot more in the gym or my girlfriend always loves when sweat is dripping on her face while I am on top
I would focus on your diet and training and stop worrying about the sides and focus on whether or not your gaining and judge from there if it's bunk or not and enjoy the tren ride!
Yea I'm taking 1 mg adex e3d I'm having more dreams but not violent ones
That's seriously an ass-ton of adex. Are you taking large doses of test and dbol? I only ask as that dose is going to drive your estradiol into the ground, six feet deep. I can understand if either you're extremely overweight as Mega mentioned (been there), or you're on some hefty doses.
Tren usually hits me like a ninja from behind, and the next thing I know is that I MUST get to the gym. The "nasty" sides don't tend to be as bad on lower doses in my experience; or if E2/prolactin are in control.
Judge by your gainz bro, not by the sides like I said myself and others don't experience those bad sides people always talk about. Just count yourself lucky as there are more people encountering bad sides from tren then hardly no sides at all
tren is the best out thereenjoy the ride bro