Shutdown bad looking for HELP!


New member
First things first, Im 22 yrs old, 6'1 200lbs. I've done two p-mag cycles with phenomenal results, and an m1,4add cycle. Just recently I decided to do a superdrol pulse, more specifically Hard Rocks methastadrol. I did a pulse for two weeks. First week I did mon, tuesday, friday, sat. During week 2, I did mon, wed, friday. I dosed it at 20 mg.

It was unbelievable superdrol was the real deal. I was seeing incredible size gains. My pump was ridiculous and all I wanted to do was stay in the gym. I had an alpha male feeling and overall felt great with no sides other than slight blood pressure increases (Nothing that cycle assist and grape seed extract couldn't take care of). After two weeks, I ended the pulse with the idea of taking a two week break and maybe doing another two week pulse. Here's where the problem started, I decided to get blood work the day I ended the pulse. My cholestorol was perfect (which was what I was worried about before starting), and liver values were normal. The problem is my testosterone came out to 60! It should've been in between a range of 300-1195. I was shocked the last thing I expected was to be this shut down from a 2 week superdrol pulse dosed at 20 mg. I immediately got on post cycle therapy (pct). I did Nolva and clomid. Nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/25.

After finishing my pct and during my pct I felt extremely lethargic and lost all my muscle mass and had no motivation to go to the gym because I was losing my muscle no matter how much I ate of lifted. I stopped pct and am feeling constantly EXHAUSTED all day long. I can't take it anymore I need to do something as I can't function. No matter how much I sleep, it is not enough. I imagine that I am still shutdown even after the post cycle therapy (pct). In addition to the exhaustion my libido is weak. The number one thing I'm looking to fix is this constant overwhelming fatigue. Does anybody have any experience with this or suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated. Also I am meeting with an endocrinologist on tuesday. I can't take this anymore and will do anything to feel normal again. I don't plan on taking a cycle again. Superdrol although awesome definitely needs to be treated with respect.
wow! 60!? i can relate to what happened to you. I did winstrol 100 mg a week and primobolan 250mg a week. after 1 week and a half.. 24 hrs after last shot i woke up with chest pain shortness of breath... fatigue and overall lazyness... its been almost 3 weeks and i feel the same...i did a test serum and was 48 ng/dl!!! I too am afraid... I dont want to be like this forever. i have been reading up to on sleep apnea and tickening of the tongue/throat something like that. i am not doing any post cycle therapy (pct) at all. i was thinking of taking tribulus terrestris. i dunno. I feel your panic and frustration... we are more or less in the same boat. i hope you can resolve your problem...
also, it is very weird because even though i have so little test on my system i can still have an erection and eyaculate... no libido though