Signature Pharmaceuticals (Greece)


New member
I've recently started a 10wk Test Cyp (250mg/wk) only cycle from Signature Pharma and ran into some discomfort issues. After 24hrs (4/1) from injection I develop a knot under the skin surrounded by a decent size red patch that continued until yesterday. I went to my physician and he stated that nothing was wrong and told me to take a anti-histamine in the future due to an allergic reaction. I administered my second shot last night and developed the same symptoms as last week. Has anyone else experienced this with Signature? Or could it be due to the injection angle? I injected at roughly a 30-45 degree angle in my glutes both times. Thanks
Or you have EO based gear that you happen to be allergic to.

My question is why the cycle that's my TRT dose? If you're going to go through all the hassle of injecting and spending money on an AI/PCT (you did right??), why go with a dose that isn't going to do much for you?
I did...Its for recovery of severely strained muscles in my lower back.. 80hr work weeks for the last two years took a toll on the back and needed the Test for recovery benefits. Back felt 10x better this past week too...
I did...Its for recovery of severely strained muscles in my lower back.. 80hr work weeks for the last two years took a toll on the back and needed the Test for recovery benefits. Back felt 10x better this past week too...

This makes no sense. Do you understand how exogenous test works?
I did...Its for recovery of severely strained muscles in my lower back.. 80hr work weeks for the last two years took a toll on the back and needed the Test for recovery benefits. Back felt 10x better this past week too...

You're in week 2, your back feeling better is placebo buddy. As Tron stated, you're aware that you shut off natural production of your testosterone to... Replace it with likely little more testosterone?
I'll be blunt as halfwit and tron are being nice.

You already had maybe 200-250mg of test in your system NATURALLY.
You have shut down that natural production and increased your chances of your natural testosterone stopping production for the rest of your life, to replace it with the SAME AMOUNT THAT WAS ALREADY THERE.

Most people usually start with 500mg per week in two injections, monday thursday and go for 12-14 weeks.
Thanks for all the input..I haven't read anything supporting natural suppression of Test at 250/mg but I appreciate the info..I want to up the dose, but the reaction I'm getting off it might not be worth it...Good news I'm up 3lbs lol
Thanks for all the input..I haven't read anything supporting natural suppression of Test at 250/mg but I appreciate the info..I want to up the dose, but the reaction I'm getting off it might not be worth it...Good news I'm up 3lbs lol

if you start injecting exogenous test, your endogenous test stops producing. Doesn't matter if it's 100mg a week or 1g.
Thanks for all the input..I haven't read anything supporting natural suppression of Test at 250/mg but I appreciate the info..I want to up the dose, but the reaction I'm getting off it might not be worth it...Good news I'm up 3lbs lol

Water weighs ~9lbs per gallon (4kg for 4L), which is going to happen as you're probably not controlling estradiol. I hate putting it so simply, but you're doing it wrong.

There's a WEALTH of information in the stickies at the top of this forum. I strongly encourage you to read them.
Thanks halfwit, I'm doing that now.. In your opinion, should I suspend this cycle and start fresh in a month or two?

Do you have access to an AI like arimidex or aromasin? If so, just double the testosterone, and introduce the AI. Time off equals time on plus PCT, so you're going to have to wait if you want to abort.

You do know what a PCT is, right? (post-cycle therapy)
The Test was an option to recoup severely strained muscles..I'm still only doing body weight exercises with light lifting so 500mg of Cyp a week would be a waste
The Test was an option to recoup severely strained muscles..I'm still only doing body weight exercises with light lifting so 500mg of Cyp a week would be a waste

Megatron28 beat me to the PCT, but I still don't think you realize that your dose isn't much better than nothing at all - while taking the same risks of an actual cycle.

FYI: Strains are usually connective tissue related, which AAS doesn't necessarily help with. In fact, most AAS may cause further degradation of these tissues. Food for thought. :)
Thanks all..I'm bumping up the dosage to 500mg/wk... I've got Clomid ordered for PCT along with the Nolva...Arimidex still good for an AI to run daily?
Thanks all..I'm bumping up the dosage to 500mg/wk... I've got Clomid ordered for PCT along with the Nolva...Arimidex still good for an AI to run daily?

You say still good to run AI daily how much were you planning daily?

A good start on the adex would be .25mg EOD and adjust when you get bloodwork unless you start exhibiting signs of high e2.