Simple question, please help


New member
Alright so I no I am going to catch shit, I have done 3 dbol oral cycles, only 15mg and had substanstial gains, I was nervous in the beginning and that it was I chose such a pansy cycle. First cycle was 6 weeks, second time 8, and third time i did 12 weeks, side effects included massive hairloss, and on the third cycle slighly itchy nipples. I just ended the third cycle and am just taking nolva. I also take propeica, about 6 months now. The gains are reciding as always.


2nd Question...NEXT CYCLE I dont want DBOL horrible for the hair have access to pretty nuch anything, I was thinking DECA and ANAVAR? yes?? no???

I do all kinds of research and find mixed information it is kind of stressfull cause its my body and you only get one, I want to do everything correct. I am almost 27 years old, about 8 percent body fat around 185, im 6foot 1 so kinda skinny in my eyes. I DONT WANT TO LOSE MY HAIR. AND GOOD post cycle therapy (pct) INFO IS OBV IMPORTANT. PLEASE HELP. THANX GUYS:beertoast
My son is 14 and was diagnosed at a year old with juvenile diabetes he pins 3 times a day sometimes more for 13 years,,man up
lol thanks for the sarcasim, i am ready to man up fer sure, just want to make sure I do correcly, ya kno, cant hate on that. I just did 32 months in iraq, man enough i think, all I had axis to is dbol, can you answer my questions though? As for your son, my little brother same age, just was diagnpsed as well, wont slow him down
Ok , itchy nips that's high estrogen levels and a symptom of gyno when you fell that you have to combat that right away before it is gyno, that's a problem with those oral only cycles, plus as you already have seen you gain nothing but water and lose it all right away, I could go on and on, the standard first cycle is test e or cyp 4-500 mg a week and you should run aromasin or adex with that since you are know prone to gyno, it will give you good solid gains that you will be able to kee and only requires two pins a week, which by the way are so much easier than you think, run that for 12 weeks.
thanx man, and thats all good on the hair follicles , and its ok to keep my prescription propecia going as well?
Remember test is the base for all cycles and that's why it should be ran alone the first time so you know how you react to it, then next time around add the deca, ,after tons of research of course, gyno caused by deca is different than gyno caused by test and treated differently, do your research on test only first cycle and you will find everything you need to know, ,good luck, ,go bulls,, and ya I don't see why not