site injection Q


New member
guys can i get an honest answer as to how you all feel about spot injecting. for people that are shotoing bis, chest or whatever it is, do you really notice extra growth or do you feel that its just the oil volume in the muscle that is making the muscle look bigger. or, do you think it doesnt work at all and you just use site injections because you need another spot to shoot. im thinking of doing some spot injects but only if it going to be benefical because i dont shoot that often so glutes and quads are good for now.

warlord said:
guys can i get an honest answer as to how you all feel about spot injecting. for people that are shotoing bis, chest or whatever it is, do you really notice extra growth or do you feel that its just the oil volume in the muscle that is making the muscle look bigger. or, do you think it doesnt work at all and you just use site injections because you need another spot to shoot. im thinking of doing some spot injects but only if it going to be benefical because i dont shoot that often so glutes and quads are good for now.


I never put much faith in the concept of spot growth. But I'm sure other bros will say otherwise.
I believe my bis have grown due to short and no ester gear, more so than other bodyparts while on, because of my bombardment of injections there. I think chets is almost too large to notice to much growth as far as spot injections go, and is just akward for me.
I do it just not have to hit the same site all of the time. One time I hit each tri with 1cc each, they got bigger in a matter of minutes, but went back to normal the next day.
I have been doing spot injections for a while now and honestly I do feel that there does seem to be increased growth. Maybe it is just wishful thinking though but hey it is worth a try