Sleeping problems while on cycle


New member
Hey folks! Im almsot 19 and i started doing a cycle last month. Im a amateur powerlifter and on the 28th this month there is a really important competitions for me so i jumped on the juice.
Currently im running 40mg Dbol/ 20mg Tbol per day and 100mg test prop every 2 days.
Before 1 week or so i started having this problem.. i am unable to fall asleep for 30-60min even if i fall asleep instantly i always wake up like 2-3 times a night... This is really disturbing my training because im pushing myself everyday and the inability to have a good sleep is messing with my PRs and i cant really go to the maximum when i feel dizzy and sleepy.
Before 3 days i bought Metalonin 10mg Natrol advanced sleep (Includes vitamin b6 10mg, calcium 23mg) the first night i took it it felt good i had a good 9 hour sleep without interuptions. However the next days after taking it before sleep i was feeling even worse than before on the next day even though i get the 7-8 hours without waking up.
What should i do? What is causing this ? Are 10mg of melatonin a higher dose than i need ?
Please skip the you are only 18 dont take steroids comments i am already doing it and its not the first time im looking for some serious help thanks :)
Are you taking anything to manage estrogen? Could be your issue.

For melatonin I've heard it is important to get the timed release version. I've used it for years for jetlag, but usually only 2 or 3 mg at a time.
Please skip the you are only 18 dont take steroids comments i am already doing it and its not the first time im looking for some serious help thanks :)

Seeing as you have everything to risk and then some being so young...maybe you shouldnt be so irresponsible and researched a bit more before starting.... No AI ? No hcg ? No bw ? 300mg/week at 19 when peaking natty ?
See you in trt forums and hope you dont intend to have kids.

As someone who suffers from insomnia, melatonin is worthless to me. Want sleep ? Get prescription drugs, i personally prefer 7.5mg zolpidem(USA name is Ambien). Long as you dont go over 7.5mg / 24 hours, you wont really feel lethargic the day after, its also not the best for staying asleep but will have you sleeping quickly and good for a few hours. If you want to stay a sleep, you'll have to deal with the fact you'll be tired/sluggish the day after. That or get into addict behavior and take something in the morning to wake you up. Very bad idea but always an option if you like bad choices...

Also go to bed exact same time every day, even on weekends and always go up the same time. Its the basis for good sleep.
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Ok thanks will try to get my hands on the zolpidem!
I wasnt on anything for about 7 month ive just reached my "old" PRs so it was time for a boost... Currently i managed to get 99lbs total for like 40 days its going pretty good as far as PCT ive planned it didnt feel the need to run anything during the cycle but today i started clomid at 100mg
you need to do pct, get nolva and clomid and get off gear until your 26 years old. no ai? no hcg? your hormones are all out of whack, you dont know what your getting into kid.

having said that, try a tanning bed, should help with your sleep issues.
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As someone who suffers from insomnia, melatonin is worthless to me. Want sleep ? Get prescription drugs, i personally prefer 7.5mg zolpidem(USA name is Ambien). Long as you dont go over 7.5mg / 24 hours, you wont really feel lethargic the day after, its also not the best for staying asleep but will have you sleeping quickly and good for a few hours.

Ambien, also known by Charlie Sheen as the "Devil's crack"

OP, you seem to be all over the place - no AI, no HCG, no bloodwork and then you ask if you should start nolva or clomid? Then a couple posts later you've started 100 clomid.

I hear a loud "BANG" as you shoot from the hip. You would be better off accumulating some know how if you are going to tamper with your endocrine system.
Ambien, also known by Charlie Sheen as the "Devil's crack".

Never heard that before but I have to agree with it. It does what it does extremely well but a not so funny side effect is sleep walking and memory loss while the drug is active. (very short half life)
If you're like charlie himself and likes blow, you'll do some very fucked up things taking them together and not going to sleep. Shit, i've done some very weird things on higher doses just trying to sleep.

Besides sleep walking and memory loss it really has no other side effects and its the only sleep drug I know that doesnt make you sluggish the day after.
Doubt you need to worry if you take it short term, occasionally...just dont eat it for long periods of time or you'll never sleep without it.
I never said im not doing PCT i said ive planned the PCT just didnt feel the need to run anything during the cycle until now i started clomid before 1 day at 100mg