Slight e2 dilemma. Opinions and expertise wanted


New member
Ok bros here's the situation.

I have no problem managing my e2 per say, but i find there is no "perfect" number that works for me. I cruise at 200mg cyp a week split mon/thurs. If i get my e2 between 40-60 i feel great, like a million bucks. I'm the nicest guy in the world and my girlfriend loves the way i treat her. The problem is although i feel best at this level, my acne flares up bad. back, shoulders, chest, neck just covered. and i hold water around the mid section.

Now if i get my e2 down between 20-40, my acne clears up along with the water, but i feel like a zombie. I am tired all day and my mind is cloudy. I get some anxiety and i'm an ass to my girlfriend for no reason.

So since clearly there's no happy medium between mental side effects and physical side effects, which is more important to consider? Should I keep my e2 in the 40's-50's and hope that the acne clears eventually as my body adjusts? or do I keep it in the 20's and 30's, not have to deal with acne or bloating, but deal with the moodiness and mental sides?

***all numbers given are using the sensitive assay for e2
Seems like an easy problem to fix. Set the cruise control to keep your E2 at a perfect 40pg/ml. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right! :-)
That's a pretty narrow range to be experiencing sides with. Have you tried zinc/b5/benadryl for the acne yet?
Id do a combo of the 2 above posts. Shoot for the low end of emotional well being and try some acne solutions. I do believe over time you will adjust and the acne will cease.
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Thanks guys. I suppose I havent really stayed at one number long enough to level level out and let my body settle into it. I really like the way I feel on the higher end, but the acne is debilitating. Huge red sacks of infected puss. So painful you can;t even really pop them. I look terrible without a shirt on. every pour on my body is clogged and it feels nasty to touch.

@halfwit - I take 100mg of zinc a day with 1800mg NAC. I also just started tanning 2x a week to see what that does. I've tried salicylic acid pads all over my body but that does nothing. S. acid bodywash also does nothing...I ordered some Retin-A, which is a topical vitamin A medication. Basically a topical accutane. This is for emergency if all else fails.

There is another variable though....around the time the acne started, i just started shaving my entire body. I use a regular gillette razor, i'm not sure if this could be contributing to the acne as well....razorburn, ingrown hairs, etc...

I'm just wailing on ZILLA to finish his write up on curing acne! I'm curious to hear what his suggestion is.
Those razors are horrible for ingrown hairs and clogged pores man. I switched to old school safety razor on my face for that very reason and the problem is solved. I dunno about shaving my whole body with one though. I took some practice on the face much less entire body man.