Small dose of Test for weight loss


New member
First off, I know there are guys on here that will get pissed when they see that title. I've seen all over here (discussions, beginner stickys etc.) that test is for muscle building, not for weight loss. A solid diet and exercise is key to any weight loss. My question is, if test wouldn't necessarily aid in weight loss, then why do alot of these guys on TRT drop weight after they start? That would lead a person who is new to the test world to believe that a small dose (200-250mg/week) would be very effective at fat loss with a clean diet and exercise. Thoughts?

My stats are:
31 yr old
BF: not sure but it's above 20%.
Marine Veteran, used to lift 6 days a week. I've been lazy the past few years. I've always struggled with my BF though.
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First off, I know there are guys on here that will get pissed when they see that title. I've seen all over here (discussions, beginner stickys etc.) that test is for muscle building, not for weight loss. A solid diet and exercise is key to any weight loss. My question is, if test wouldn't necessarily aid in weight loss, then why do alot of these guys on TRT drop weight after they start? That would lead a person who is new to the test world to believe that a small dose (200-250mg/week) would be very effective at fat loss with a clean diet and exercise. Thoughts?

My stats are:
31 yr old
BF: not sure but it's above 20%.

"TRT guys" had little testosterone production, which led to metabolism problems. Going on TRT fixed those problems.

I'm going to say that the fact of the matter is testosterone DOES indirectly lead to fat loss if AND ONLY if other conditions are present that capitalize on its use. (low dose)

But low dose testosterone is essentially the same thing as natural production in healthy men.

Without the risk of shutting your natural production off forever.

So, you're essentially on TRT (a blood test is a great way to confirm) if healthy. Therefore, you can capitalize on the same opportunities as those (with few exceptions) on TRT.

TLDR; it's a waste of time and money to do something you can already do naturally. The risk vs reward just isn't there at replacement doses.

My .02c :)
"TRT guys" had little testosterone production, which led to metabolism problems. Going on TRT fixed those problems.

I'm going to say that the fact of the matter is testosterone DOES indirectly lead to fat loss if AND ONLY if other conditions are present that capitalize on its use. (low dose)

But low dose testosterone is essentially the same thing as natural production in healthy men.

Without the risk of shutting your natural production off forever.

So, you're essentially on TRT (a blood test is a great way to confirm) if healthy. Therefore, you can capitalize on the same opportunities as those (with few exceptions) on TRT.

TLDR; it's a waste of time and money to do something you can already do naturally. The risk vs reward just isn't there at replacement doses.

My .02c :)

So, I guess my next question is, if someone could bring their test levels slightly above the high side of normal, could that yield weight (bodyfat) loss results? My buddy is convinced that doing 300mg a week with my current diet and exercise would knock body fat off of me with minimal side effects. However, almost everything I've read here says otherwise. I'll be getting my test results back on Monday, I went thru a place that just does tests, not my PCP. I have test Cyp and HGH. I haven't started either one and I won't until I get my results.
So, I guess my next question is, if someone could bring their test levels slightly above the high side of normal, could that yield weight (bodyfat) loss results? My buddy is convinced that doing 300mg a week with my current diet and exercise would knock body fat off of me with minimal side effects. However, almost everything I've read here says otherwise. I'll be getting my test results back on Monday, I went thru a place that just does tests, not my PCP. I have test Cyp and HGH. I haven't started either one and I won't until I get my results.

The reason guys use exogenous testosterone while cutting (reducing body fat) is because it helps maintain muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. It is the Diet that drives the weight loss. Most guys just prefer that the weight loss be in the form of fat. They worked hard too put on that muscle and they want to keep it. But exogenous testosterone does not "burn" fat.

Another positive is that exogenous testosterone allows one to run thyroid hormones while cutting. It is normal for one's meta~bolism to slow down while in a caloric deficit for a prolonged time. Using thyroid hormones can keep this from occurring. However, thyroid hormones like T3 don't discriminate in the body mass they burn. Running exogenous test allows one to minimize the muscle loss while doing this.

So exogenous testosterone can help one maintain muscle mass while cutting and facilitates the use of thyroid hormones. But never forget that it is the Diet and Exercise (caloric deficit) that are the driver of fat loss. There is no magic pill that allows you to eat too much and poorly and still lose fat. As for diet vs. exercise, it is a lot easier to avoid eating a Big Mac than it is to burn 500 calories on the treadmill.
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The reason guys use exogenous testosterone while cutting (reducing body fat) is because it helps maintain muscle mass while in a caloric deficit. It is the Diet that drives the weight loss. Most guys just prefer that the weight loss be in the form of fat. They worked hard too put on that muscle and they want to keep it. But exogenous testosterone does not "burn" fat.

Another positive is that exogenous testosterone allows one to run thyroid hormones while cutting. It is normal for one's meta~bolism to slow down while in a caloric deficit for a prolonged time. Using thyroid hormones can keep this from occurring. However, thyroid hormones like T3 don't discriminate in the body mass they burn. Running exogenous test allows one to minimize the muscle loss while doing this.

So exogenous testosterone can help one maintain muscle mass while cutting and facilitates the use of thyroid hormones. But never forget that it is the Diet and Exercise (caloric deficit) that are the driver of fat loss. There is no magic pill that allows you to eat too much and poorly and still lose fat. As for diet vs. exercise, it is a lot easier to avoid eating a Big Mac than it is to burn 500 calories on the treadmill.

Is there anything in addition to clean diet and exercise that would expedite the process? Something that would turn an 8 month process into a 5 or 6 month process? Low dose HGH or anything of that nature?
Is there anything in addition to clean diet and exercise that would expedite the process? Something that would turn an 8 month process into a 5 or 6 month process? Low dose HGH or anything of that nature?

Maybe if you are willing to spend the amount of money a brand new Lexus costs for HGH and run it for 6-12 months at high doses.

Why are you so hell bent on finding a magic pill? If you really want the easy way out get surgery done. Lap band or gastic bypass surgeries are successful in helping one lose weight. There are obviously big risks with surgery though and they can be expensive if your insurance won't cover it.

Otherwise it comes down to diet and exercise. Calories in vs. calories out. I won't lie -- exogenous test will help if you get a good diet to go along with it.

But if you don't get on the proper diet while on AAS you will actually GAIN more weight. You will put on more muscle mass and increase your glycogen reserves. Running Test could easily put another 10-15 pounds on you in a couple of months if you don't manage your caloric intake.

You should be asking us about diet advice if you are serious about reducing your body fat. Not looking for shortcuts.

Things that can help are:

EC stack (ephedrine / caffeine)
T3 + Testosterone
Clenbuterol or Albuterol
DNP (be very careful to learn proper usage)

But these are not substitutes for diet. They may take a few weeks off the process -- not reduce an eight month process by 40%.
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Maybe if you are willing to spend the amount of money a brand new Lexus costs for HGH and run it for 6-12 months at high doses.

Why are you so hell bent on finding a magic pill? If you really want the easy way out get surgery done. Lap band or gastic bypass surgeries are successful in helping one lose weight. There are obviously big risks with surgery though and they can be expensive if your insurance won't cover it.

Otherwise it comes down to diet and exercise. Calories in vs. calories out. I won't lie -- exogenous test will help if you get a good diet to go along with it.

But if you don't get on the proper diet while on AAS you will actually GAIN more weight. You will put on more muscle mass and increase your glycogen reserves. Running Test could easily put another 10-15 pounds on you in a couple of months if you don't manage your caloric intake.

You should be asking us about diet advice if you are serious about reducing your body fat. Not looking for shortcuts.

Well, I figured diet was another forum. I'm not, nor have I ever asked for a "magic pill". I've already acknowledged that the process of getting into shape would be approx 8 months long. I just never thought that someone on an anabolic steroid forum would accuse anyone of taking shortcuts. I can tell you that answers like that are why I was hesitant to post the question to begin with. I've clearly stated multiple times that I unerdstand diet and exercise are key, most on here have made that abundantly clear. Asking for something that might shave a month off of a very long process is not what I would call a shortcut or magic pill.
Well, I figured diet was another forum. I'm not, nor have I ever asked for a "magic pill". I've already acknowledged that the process of getting into shape would be approx 8 months long. I just never thought that someone on an anabolic steroid forum would accuse anyone of taking shortcuts. I can tell you that answers like that are why I was hesitant to post the question to begin with. I've clearly stated multiple times that I unerdstand diet and exercise are key, most on here have made that abundantly clear. Asking for something that might shave a month off of a very long process is not what I would call a shortcut or magic pill.

You just asked too go from 8 months to 5 months. A 37.5% reduction in time.

I am not here to coddle you. But if you don't recognize that I and others have given you very specific advice about things you can do to help you reduce body fat I don't know that we can help you. You have to accept the fact that changing yourself starts within and requires hard work.
You just asked too go from 8 months to 5 months. A 37.5% reduction in time.

I am not here to coddle you. But if you don't recognize that I and others have given you very specific advice about things you can do to help you reduce body fat I don't know that we can help you. You have to accept the fact that changing yourself starts within and requires hard work.

You do alot of assuming in regards to your replys. Not just on this post, but many others. I don't want to be coddled, that fact that you feel like that's what I'm looking for is beyond condescending. It seems like there was a point when you were giving good information, then you all of a sudden started throwing out all these assumptions that I'm looking for some kind of shortcut on a forum about steroids, which sole purpose (in this context) to get the maximum amount of results in the shortest amount of time. I don't need you to explain to me about diet and exercise, I've got other reliable avenues for that. You could have just said something to the extent of, "unfortunately, no". I don't need a lecture from you, you're a moderator, you should realize the point when you're just throwing out information that has already been addressed. Yes, diet and exercise are 99% of bodyfat loss, I get that. Being determined and having a plan with realistic goals is another major factor, I get that too. Understanding that calories out need to exceed calories in. Minimum of a gallon of water a day. Eat lots of protein, stay away from complex carbs etc. I get all that. I didn't think I would have to go into this much detail but it seems like you assume I'm some 17 yr old kid who wants to eat whatever feels good without doing anything and lose weight.
You do alot of assuming in regards to your replys. Not just on this post, but many others. I don't want to be coddled, that fact that you feel like that's what I'm looking for is beyond condescending. It seems like there was a point when you were giving good information, then you all of a sudden started throwing out all these assumptions that I'm looking for some kind of shortcut on a forum about steroids, which sole purpose (in this context) to get the maximum amount of results in the shortest amount of time. I don't need you to explain to me about diet and exercise, I've got other reliable avenues for that. You could have just said something to the extent of, "unfortunately, no". I don't need a lecture from you, you're a moderator, you should realize the point when you're just throwing out information that has already been addressed. Yes, diet and exercise are 99% of bodyfat loss, I get that. Being determined and having a plan with realistic goals is another major factor, I get that too. Understanding that calories out need to exceed calories in. Minimum of a gallon of water a day. Eat lots of protein, stay away from complex carbs etc. I get all that. I didn't think I would have to go into this much detail but it seems like you assume I'm some 17 yr old kid who wants to eat whatever feels good without doing anything and lose weight.

I don't think you understand steroids so you may want to study them more before sharing your thoughts.

Good luck. There is plenty of information in this very thread to help you lose weight faster than diet alone would let one achieve. Maybe you didn't like the way I provided the advice, but I didn't exactly like the way you asked some of your questions.

Also, there is a difference between assuming and inferring.
I don't think you understand steroids so you may want to study them more before sharing your thoughts.

Good luck. There is plenty of information in this very thread to help you lose weight faster than diet alone would let one achieve. Maybe you didn't like the way I provided the advice, but I didn't exactly like the way you asked some of your questions.

Also, there is a difference between assuming and inferring.

I'd venture to say most people originally come to these forums because the don't understand steroids. Maybe the guidelines should be changed so that only people with an understanding of steroids will post their thoughts.
I'd venture to say most people originally come to these forums because the don't understand steroids. Maybe the guidelines should be changed so that only people with an understanding of steroids will post their thoughts.

You need to be quiet and learn here from the experts and not question them when then try to help.
Right on matt. I've had the same problem with this site. You come here with question's, But a lot of people on hear say do your homework or are you stupid. Which means they don't know the answer either. They really should rename the site. And say if your not a expert. don't ask questions.
Right on matt. I've had the same problem with this site. You come here with question's, But a lot of people on hear say do your homework or are you stupid. Which means they don't know the answer either. They really should rename the site. And say if your not a expert. don't ask questions.

Really? You don't think any answers were provided in this thread?

What advice would you give? You have been a member here since 2012 so surely you are quite knowledgeable.
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wasn't directed towards you megatron. Just my experience on this site. I don't know a lot thats why I come to this site, It's why I'm not a expert. You should be getting expert advice, but maybe that's why there are very few experts on this site. Again not directed at you.