Small nuts test e and dianabol cycle can't get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) help


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Small nuts test e and dianabol cycle can't get hcg help

I ran test e at 600mg per week for 10week and dianabol kickstart at 50mg for 4week cycle with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and for pct clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolvadex 40/40/20/20 been off cycle for 5month now still have small nuts i can't get hold of any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) either any ideas guys shuld I run another post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks don't flame me
The only way to know if you have recovered or not is to get blood work done. Have you had blood work after your post cycle therapy (pct) to confirm a successful PCT? Do you have Precycle bloodwork to use as a reference?
Have you run labwork after your post cycle therapy (pct) to see if you have recovered fully? And do you have labwork from before your cycle that establishes your baseline so you can compare?

Other than testicle size, how do you feel?
No I have no labwork from before or after and I feel fine everything is ok just slightly smaller testes
I was planning on a cycle soon but don't want my testes going anymore smaller as I can't get hold of hcg so Duno what to do
What happens when I get results back :s

Post them and we can see if you are recovered fully. Total Testosterone, Estradiol, LH and FSH will be useful information. It might be nice to pull out your labs that you (hopefully) ran while you were on cycle too.
Shouldn't I be gettin the male hormone labs lol? U said female ? And I don't have any labs at all

That one costs more but you can run it if you like. The Hormone Panel for Females is for men too. It is what many guys run here since it tells you what you need to know, is quick and cheap.

You really should run labs when you cycle. Have you read the Stickies in the Anabolic section on this website?
Then you will have to find something similar in whatever country you are from or ask you doctor to run those labs.
I was planning on a cycle soon but don't want my testes going anymore smaller as I can't get hold of hcg so Duno what to do
you dont NEED HCG, it can just help longer cycles and recovery. you will recover with or without it IF it was going to happen. you need to go by blood work not by ball size, and you shoulda have pre-cycle blood work and post cycle.. run clomid 35mg ed for 3 weeks and ee if you feel better. but again i think you need blood work
Thanks I'll try clomid again and I'll book appointment to get bloodwork done once I get results then what because tbh I won't have a clue what they mean or will the doctor sort them out if I need any higher levels :s ?