Smittiot's first run with Tren

Haha I know what you mean smittiot.

I started AM/PM'ing some workouts early in my cycle, I had so much energy...would do half of chest day in the morning and leave isolation stuff so that I'd have an excuse to come back after work. Or failing that, do the next day's workout. Lol
Weight 194.5
Diet was poor with lot's of sodium over the weekend, so a little bloated feeling.
First TrenA pin this am. Went well. Serum was thicker than my TestE and that was kinda surprising.
Have 3 more days of Dbol.
Work outs have been fantastic.
Visited with family over the weekend and the first thing my dad said was " are you on steroids?" I guess that after a 3 hr drive I should not have had the veins in my forearms and biceps popping out...
Weight 194
I really like Dbol. Workouts have been the best ever. I had very little bloat and no back pumps. Did have an abdominal cramp the other day after doing crunches. I have always got them, but this one was bad. Last Dbol dose tomorrow.
Did 2nd pin of tren last night. No sides, sweat or insomnia so far.
Weight 195.5
Last Dbol aided workout yesterday. Should be done gaining weight now as per plan.
Third Tren pin yesterday and all is well. No sides good or bad yet.
Will be cleaning up my diet Monday and looking to get ripped by June.
Weight 196
Completed 1 week on trenA at 75EOD. Today upped to 100 EOD.
So far, zero noticeable sides other than feeling a slight fall-off from the end of Dbol use last Weds.
Uh oh, crappy sleep last night but no sweats. Day 9 of tren today, so maybe a sign of things to come.
Will see how legs and biceps go today...
10 days down on tren and no real signs from it. Did another dose at 100mg yesterday AM, so will keep patient for a few more days. Otherwise, I will up testE to 500mg per week starting the end of this weekend.
Weight 195
Pin# 7 today of trenA. Still not much to report yet. Lifts are great and strength is real good as is vascularity. I am vascular now like I normally am 10lbs lighter. But that could just be the TestE.
No breathlessness, no sleep issues, no sweating, no rabid libido, no weird dreams and no anger.
So, will be starting my 3rd week with trenA. Not ready to call it bunk yet, but not feeling much. Going to up TestE starting on next injection after tomorrows planned 125mg. That will be Thursday's pin going up to 250 mg.
Any advice from someone with trenA experience?
Have not weighed in for a few days. Still no funny business from tren. Pinned 250mg of Sust250 today and will keep test dose at 500 mg per week now. May up tren a little next week if all is well.
Reason for the sustanon and not my testE is that this brand is giving some discomfort at less than 1ml and I am waiting for others bloods to verify before I use it again. My sust is thick, but pins with zero discomfort, so there you go.
Lhad 3 days off gym, but got back at it last night and today. Lifts have been great.
Weight 196
Completed 1 week on trenA at 75EOD. Today upped to 100 EOD.
So far, zero noticeable sides other than feeling a slight fall-off from the end of Dbol use last Weds.
I want to do something similar for my next cycle! Can't wait to see how you like the tren at 100!
Just bought a Costco cinnamon butter pound coffee cake to send off my last weekend before recomp. Life is good!
Well, I enjoyed a weekend of food gluttony. Now it is time to buckle up.
Weight 197.5
Did all my measurements, per 3J protocol, and will do them each Monday with weigh in. Not too concerned about weight, but would like to end around 190 at 10%.
Also, tren may be upped to 150 EOD soon.
Current pics this am, taken just after waking.
So, must have been holding lots of water. Monday AM was 194.7 and this morning am 191.6.
Now, yesterday was my zero carb day on my carb cycling diet that started on Monday. Damn.
Still not feeling the "love" from lady tren. Will keep the course though.
End week 1 of cut. Weight 193
Good week. Ate 98 % clean.
Not happy with tren. Maybe bunk gear? Will continue on.
May try it another time with a different brand, but I like test/deca much better.