So I bought one of those digital scales....


New member
at Walmart today. I wanted to weigh my (synovex) t-prop powder and it says i have only 6 that scale reliable? there is a lot of powder; at least around the same amount i always have. i think i did lose some, but i didn't think 4g--thats a lot.

the scale is made by Good Cook; i am thinking it might not be that accurate.

so should i cut out some oil to make it 100mg/ml?

If anybody has a picture of what around 10g of powder looks like, let me know. Or if anybody has any input , let me know. Thanks bros
Those scales are off, i would take them back and exchange them.

But i guess you could assume you have 7grams of prop.. you might want to weigh more then on nickel just to make sure your scales are not giving various reading for the same weight.
i thought of that...and they all say 4g. thirty bucks for this damn thing. so i think i am going to cut out oil to make it 100mg/ml.

Does anybody know offhand how much oil is in Universals kit? i do 5 carts at a time , i assume there would be 100ml of oil. but what about the BA? do they take out some oil in consideration for that?
I used the same scale to weigh wood baseball bats. I've compared them to other high dollar food scales and its pretty accurate.
if you getting into home brew invest in some good didital scales. they are only 30 bucks or so. most come with a few weights so you can calibrate them if needed. there are some links inthe chem section.
I payed $25 for my scale, 10g of powder + a plastic baggy came to something like 12 grams.
a 1 $ bill equals one gram.... The nickle thing will work as well.... The scale should have a tare button... Try either of the above and 2 or 3 times each time taking the object off the scale and press tare.... Does the scale go to tenths or only full grams? Also you should check the batteries....
You bought a food scale. Its probably accurate to 1g. Meaning +/- 1g error. Plus, its a damn food scale...not useful for our purposes. You want a scale accurate to 0.1g minimum, 0.01 is even better. Hit up the chem section for links.
yeah, i know its only a food scale and it is only accurate to 1g. i just wanted a general idea of how much powder i have. i will assume by the nickle test that i have roughly 7g of powder (damn i lost alot) and will adjust my oil accordingly. i am also going to take that scale back and by a good one.
well, it doesn't matter now, i have (hopefully) roughly 200mg festering in my left quad as we speak. syno conversion isn't bad; its the damn final syringe filtering that pisses me off. i left out 30ml of oil to account for the lost powder. we'll see how it goes!!