Home Cooking Steriods - tested and results not as expected.... need help on my method

Hi All,

I have been reading this forum for some time and I have taken a lot of good information away with me that has helped! Lucky for me most people have answered my questions so I have never needed to post.


Some history and me..

About 5 years ago I did several courses using test ethanate, sustonan 250, deca and debol so I am aware of the effects that can come from using which is why I am posting this because my results have been different from my own product I have created.

MY PROJECT: I am cooking steriods for my own personal....

This is my first time so I expected maybe some teething problems. I am going to run through the process below and hopefully some experts will know maybe if I am doing something wrong and how this could be done better...
I will raise some questions on what I might this what the problem could be and please correct me if I am wrong and set me straight!!

The recipe...

I found this recipe from this forum.


I also researched the internet and found some supporting recipes so I figured this would hold some value and sounded like they knew what they were talking about.

The steriod powder....

Ok, so there is a high chance that you can get counterfiet or fake or cut down powder when ordering this from suppliers. I went online and found several suppliers from China and questioned them about their product, their quality and garentee on their product.

I compared all of them and chose the top supplier on the business site from CHina. I chose them because not only were they the top seller they were a higher price product compared to others which were half price but they seemed alot more professional on how they handled my questions and I just felt more comfortable with them. I figured that others that were charging half the price are most likely cutting the product down by half, so I steered clear of them.

The Carrier oil.........

After research I found that grape seed oil would be best to be used since it had the lowest side effects and it was readily available.

I bought PHARMACUITICAL GRADE grape seed oil. This was more expensive but I thought if I am injecting this I want it to be correct. I bought this in my country from a peptide supplier.

The Binding Ingredients...

I bought the BB and BA from this same supplier.

The Recipe Calculator...

I found a steriod calculator from this site which I used.


The Mixing Method of the Recipe of 50 ml of product...

All glassware was bought and sterilised with boiling water then put in oven for 15 mins at 150 degrees celcius.
All measurements were taken by using syringes to mix the product so exact amounts were used.
The raw powder product was weigh with a sensitive scale so this was exact.

1. I mixed the BA and BB with the powder to start the break down before mixing this into the grape seed oil.

2. With all products combined the mixture was then put in oven to dissolve all the powder and sterilise the oil. I put this in the oven for 12 mins at 110 degrees celcius.

3. I let product cool, then extracted and put product through a syringe filter into vials.

Simple right...?

The Testing of the product.....

So it has been 8 weeks now and I have been taking more than 500 mg of sustanon 250. ( I am not concerned about what I am taking is correct amount or not and if I am doing this right, but just to focus on what effects I should be getting)

The effects I have experienced....

I am getting a bit stronger but not like I had in the past...
My shoulder which was sore ( from a small tear) has healed up noticeably..

From my past experience I was having very noticable effects from taking less than this, NOW I KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG HERE!!!

Ok, is the raw product the problem or is it my method???!!!

I contacted the supplier and they re tested their product and swear that there is nothing wrong with their product and that their quality is the best on the market, etc...

Have I.....

1.Overcooked the oil resulting in the product to lose its strength?
2.Mixed the powder in with the BB and BA first and not the oil resulting in the powder being broken down losing its strength?
3.The suppliers product is not the strength they say it is?

I believe that I have over cooked the product, but I would like to get feed back from the pros and experts that know alot more than me... After talking with supplier they supplied me with the product information sheet and found out that the melting point is 37 degrees celcius.


Am i required to heat the PHARMACUITICAL GRADE OIL to sterilise it? I dont have a problem doing this anyway, but to what temperature am i required to sterilise the oil?

If I do I am better off sterilising the oil first, letting cool then mixing and reheating up to over 37 degress celcius to melt product and binders in together...

Please comment on this suggestion???!!! Please comment on my mistakes and what I could have done better!!All positive critism welcome:rolleyes:

16 year olds all over this forum are quickly cutting and pasting.. mods please delete this asap.