So I have low T but want to use gear (3 years lifting)

So I have been diagnosed with low testosterone it is at 300 at 23 years old! should be double that on average which explains why my progress has sucked even with very good/strict diet and programs.. Hell when I started working out 3 years ago I was on starter strength and barely progressed.

I started at 6'2 160 pounds and with a few bulk/cut cycles i'm now at 200 with a large ammount of bodfat after my most current bulk.. In 3 years I have maybe put on 10 pounds of muscle.

Do not post replies such as eat more or what is your diet because my diet was 100% and I even paid 100.00 a month for online coaching which didn't even do anything because my diet was already what he was saying to do..

Anyways I've had plenty of lifting experience and when it comes down to it my potential for building muscle and strength fucking suck...

So I've turned to steroids. I've researched for about 4 months and I am ready to start a cycle.

I understand steroids are going to give me incredible gains during the 12 week cycle but what about after? After PCT? The 16 weeks off I will have to take.. Won't all of my gains vanish if my genetics are this bad?... DO NOT SAY IT IS BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TRAIN OR EAT. I have spend a ton of money proving this wrong! I do EVERYTHING right yet I don't grow and I just gain FAT and BARELY any strength. So what's going to happen in between cycles? Even at 160 I was eating 4000 calories and 200g of protein a day (healthy foods as I have a huge appetite) Still barely any strength or muscle gains in THREE YEARS.
Instead of getting on a cycle and fucking up your natural testosterone levels even more I would recommend going to your doctor or a endocrinologist and see what they can do for you. Your still young and you have the potential to get your natural testosterone levels back. What you need is a HPTA restart done by a endocrinologist most likely. If that doesn't work you can consider TRT. I've been in your situation before and I know how it feels the best thing to do is to not panic and go set up a appointment with a endocrinologist. A lot of times regular doctors have no idea about a HPTA restart or how it works so that's why I say go see a endocrinologist.
Instead of getting on a cycle and fucking up your natural testosterone levels even more I would recommend going to your doctor or a endocrinologist and see what they can do for you. Your still young and you have the potential to get your natural testosterone levels back. What you need is a HPTA restart done by a endocrinologist most likely. If that doesn't work you can consider TRT. I've been in your situation before and I know how it feels the best thing to do is to not panic and go set up a appointment with a endocrinologist. A lot of times regular doctors have no idea about a HPTA restart or how it works so that's why I say go see a endocrinologist.

I'd rather be on trt!! this is stupid! No I can't fix them i've already tried and been to doctors so i'm going to start cycling and i'm looking for answers to above questions.
This is my opinion. once your test goes back to your natural level and if you do everything you can, you will decrease muscle mass.

With t so low, you will have to cruise to maintain gains provided that you are still working out and dieting.
This is my opinion. once your test goes back to your natural level and if you do everything you can, you will decrease muscle mass.

With t so low, you will have to cruise to maintain gains provided that you are still working out and dieting.

at what like 100mg/week?
For you young guys going on and on about low T and how you can't make gains, et cetera; you're CLEARLY doing it for the WRONG reasons. TRT is for a SERIOUS deficit in your quality of life, not to get you jacked, not to help you excel in sports, not to give you the courage to get Suzy SlutPants into bed.

I'd rather be on trt!! this is stupid! No I can't fix them i've already tried and been to doctors so i'm going to start cycling and i'm looking for answers to above questions.
You have no idea what the hell you're asking for until you seriously take the time to realize you're committing to the needle FOR LIFE. I felt like shit for years, had zero ambition to do ANYTHING but sleep and eat. If you find that life is truly in the shitter, then TRT is a godsend - if you're just having issues getting some serious growth in the gym, and happen to have pulled a lower level on a test panel, I (as a guy that's married to said needle) SERIOUSLY recommend you look at other options FIRST.

There's constant blood work needed, blood donations, ancillary use, and if you're brazen enough to think that just running UGL stuff will be fine - wait until you NEED that script to travel, or heaven forbid - have a job that tests for epitestosterone ratios. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, I assure you.
Correct... the clue is in the word 'therapy'.

If you are approaching TRT for muscle gain only, then you need to readdress your issues...

As a fellow TRT patient, I can tell you how low it gets. Even sliding out of bed in the morning is a chore, trudging through life with aches and pains and lethargy and brain fog. Feeling like a dick because the woman you love knows you can't get hard for her - as much as you fucking want to, it just won't happen.

To be honest, it pisses me off hearing guys like you 'demanding' treatment just because you're a hard-gainer.

Trust me, you need to try EVERYTHING humanly possible to get your levels back to normal, before committing to this treatment for ever. I'd take a step back and have a long hard look at yourself and your reasons for doing this.

No disrespect meant here brother - but sometimes people just need to hear it as it is.

I echoe 3 masters of this forum HW, BB and MS.

My level was 110...the range was 220-1100. Pharm-Chem.

I was lethargic, unmotivated, depressed, sexless and even worse did not care. I ll spare u the tongue lashing u f k n need as you ve advised by 3 VERY knowledgeable people whom I learn from everytime they grace this forum

Should u choose to sass them I will punish you but not ban you. Be a good laddie, mind ur masters and please don t be either a dick or reckless.

However IF U DEcIDE to go UGL and start tweaking your body at the molecular level....I/we will try to steer u on a course that ll at least not result in dialysis by age 30. But try to be mature and heed the creedo of experts. I m pining FOREVER. This is not a phase for me.

Post a ll help us, help you. Come on...I ll not allow for abuse..u have my word as an ex officer and an asshole.
When Teutonic makes a promise like that, you can trust he will keep it...and seeing the words Senior Moderator under his name means he also has the power to keep it.

I will also recommend going on TRT just for gains. Life was simply not worth living with my paltry 153 natty test level. The apathy and lack of motivation caused by low T is most likely the only things that prevented me from simply ending my worthless existence. My brain is my livelihood - it has always been the one thing that makes me special, the one thing I have that is better than most people's. Yet with low T, brain fog robbed me of it. My attention span dropped to a 5 minute limit. At that point, I was lost, gone, somewhere else. I need to read White Papers as part of my job. They are dry, technical, scientific, and very boring. I could no longer comprehend them. Sex ended, I could not even become hard by my own hand...and on the off chance I did, I could never finish. The overwhelming apathy prevented me from caring about it. I was so apathetic that I KNEW I was apathetic and simply did not care that I was.

My marriage started failing, my wife simply could not understand what was going on and we did not even know low T was a condition that existed. The insomnia it brought me actually saved me for that allowed me to be awake at 3am most days and I saw the low T commercials.

I will never go back to that time in my life, I will die first. Yes, it really is that bad. I am now married to the needle. I will gladly create scar tissue and sore spots in my muscles for the rest of my life in order to not be back to those dark and terrible days.

Just think about it a bit. You are young. If you do have low T, you need medical help. After a year of getting things dialed in so you are whole again, only then can you start to play with increasing your test dose as your first cycle.
BB--I saw this and read into it as " gains " being defined across the whole spectrum of his life to include but not limited to muscle mass, virility, motivation etc.....but thought as you newbs, who are grasping for any reason they can do pin may run with it

" This dude on Ology said......"

People take trt w o working out boooeeeyz. Low low test is a miserable way to be.....I ll not have it. Nor will I go under 7-900 on trt...fuck normal. What is normal...900 is for me but then I m 51 year old acting 29...and fkn luv it.
I'd rather be on trt!! this is stupid! No I can't fix them i've already tried and been to doctors so i'm going to start cycling and i'm looking for answers to above questions.

this just sound so stupid.. i would think that your 14 not 23 with a comment like that. no offense bud, but you need to try and up that endogenous testosterone.

your options include:
-finding root cause/ illness

if that fails:
serms: nolva, clomid, torem

it needs to be supervised by a competent doctor
My quality of life IS LOW i'm depressed all the time i'm ALWAYS tired even after sleeping 12 hours! I can never be awake! Even coffee only lasts for about an hour then i'm falling asleep again. This is not a joke. The only thing i'm not having trouble with is getting an erection and my sex drive is healthy. HOWEVER every other symptom is there. Being tired all of the time is the absolute WORST. ALSO I can't even go out and have a good time anymore.. nothing sounds fun at all unless drinking or something stupid is involved. I get invited out to the beach and have to think about it because nothing sounds fun anymore. THIS ISN'T JUST FOR MUSCLE GAIN. It's actually INSULTING that some of you are bashing me because i'm sick and tired of feeling like SH*T at TWENTY THREE YEARS OLD.

I appreciate everyone that is trying to help me but I know how I feel and this crap sucks. I have tried to get my test back to normal and it's always low as hell. My doctor says my test levels are normal but he is a complete idiot my test levels are normal for someone that is like 70!

It's so damn bad that i'm yawning during WORKOUTS I have no energy in the gym at all or anywhere else.

Hell I even crashed my motorcycle last year on purpose I was actually suicidal. It was that damn bad. This year has been better but not by a lot.

I don't know what other option to take..
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you dont know what other option to take? After at least 5 guys told you very clearly what to do? Again: try to restart your natural testosterone. "Oh, but my doctor is a complete idiot!" Well cmon, cant you find another one? Just because you dont want to find a good doctor you want to go pinning for the rest of your life?

ps: you are still massively uneducated, you dont even know what happens to the body when one goes off cycle. Those are basics. And you are making lifelong decisions without even knowing the basics.
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I HAVE tried to restart my natural T

Can you enlighten us on what protocols + lifestyle changes you used? Getting endo T up is a complicated process, I doubt you've exhausted all your options by now.

Just to give you an idea, I spent 14months trying to get mine up before finally submitting to TRT.