so i'm back on tren and i need some guidance


i havent run tren in a while but more importantly i've never run tren with my current conditioning. i'm sitting at 9-10% bodyfat right now and still dropping.

before this i was on 350 mast a week and 350 test prop a week and i looked dry as fuck, even when i was at 12%.

now i'm only doing 350mg tren ace and 175 test prop a week (as far as AAS goes). i would love to go back on mast to bring out that hardness and dryness but even at only 350mg a week that shit made me break out and shed hair like no other steroid i took at any dose.

any suggestions? or should i just wait it out a couple more weeks and see how the tren hits me this time around because i basically forgot what its like
Probably not a bad idea to hold off bro, but Ive heard that mast compliments the fuuuck out of tren...synergistically.
Good luck!