So my first cycle in a while any advice/critic is welcomed


New member
So I will be stepping down in responsibility at work so in about 3 weeks I will starting my cycle.

Weeks 1-16 600 mg Test E 400

Age 46
Height 5'10"
205 lbs
18% BF< Yes I know still need more work on it. Diet is cleaned up. Eating home prepped meals breakfast lunch and dinner.

Doing cardio on an empty stomach.
lifting after work
3 on 1 off seems to work best for me.

3000 clean calories daily.
4 square meals with 1 shake

Diet will be 50/30/20 50% protein 30% good fats 20% carbs. Looking at lean gains.

Since I'm 46 and I don't want to kill my kidneys I'll be doing 1.5g of protein to 1 pound of body weight. If I can gain 8lbs and cut down to 12% bf I have accomplished what I wanted.

AI Aromasin 25mg EOD or as needed.

No PCT not worried about the boys since I have a vasectomy and not looking to have any more kids. Probably need TRT but won't worry about it too much.

Cycle history? Do you even have time started pinning at age 36.

Last 2 cycles
Bulk 1000mg test E 600 mg Deca 100 mg Adrol
Cut 700 mg test p 500 mg tren Ace 500 mg masteron prop 50mg Winstrol oral 50 mg Anavar
Are you going to go right into a cruze or TRT? Seems like you should plan your exit before you start so you don't lose mass.
Agree with tankmanbob. Doing a cycle without a pct or trt isn't a good idea no matter what reasons. Pct is for recovering natural test production from being shut down while on cycle. If you don't do a pct or trt then what's the point of doing a cycle? You will most likely lose all of your gains and feel like shit after it's over. Not a good move especially at your age..
Agree with tankmanbob. Doing a cycle without a pct or trt isn't a good idea no matter what reasons. Pct is for recovering natural test production from being shut down while on cycle. If you don't do a pct or trt then what's the point of doing a cycle? You will most likely lose all of your gains and feel like shit after it's over. Not a good move especially at your age..
Im in the process of attaining TRT. Just fighting with my insurance company for it right now. I'm low normal like 252 on a 240-900 scale.